

Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2011
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Been offered a promotion in work starting September.

All the time we were discussing it I was thinking, I would rather be having a baby in September thanks.

The fact is though, I've been trying to have a baby for 15 months and no signs. I may be in for a long journey once my tests get underway or I may catch this month. Who knows with ttc?

Can I in good conscience accept the job? Everyone around me says yes cos I'm not pg so there's no issue. But should I be trying to conceive and hoping to get pg while they think I'm going to do this job in Sept?

Just thinking aloud. What do you girls think? xx
Accept the job, don't over think it, live for the day :) xx

I defo think you should take the promotion, you've got nothing to lose, if your not preggo by then it'll be a good distraction from ttc and may happen as you relax.

I'm in a similar situation as a role has come up at work as my manager has left but have decided to go for it as its more experience and more money if I'm not preggo in the next year, and if I am I'll have a better job to return to after my mat leave!!

Follow your what your gut is telling you but I'd say go for it!!

go for it hun!

even if you are pregnant in the very near future, you're entitled to the same employment rights as everyone else

good luck x
Accept the job, try not to think to hard into the future. You may end up regretting it if you don't take it. If you fall pg then great.


I think that you should accept the job and it will give you something to focus on aswell as TTC
Best of luck with both
Defo defo DEFO accept it hun! And big congratulations! :) you have no way of predicting the future, like you say you might fall pg very soon or you might still be trying in sept... Therefore you have absolutely nothing to have a conscience about :)

Not really the same situation, but a bit similar... I wanted to start ttc 6 months ago but put it off because I started a new job and didn't want to fall pg soon after starting a job. Now I have started reading more about it and realise that it could take me a year or two years or more to concieve, I wish we had just gone for it started ttc 6 months ago like I wanted! Even if I had of fallen pg soon after starting the job, my employers wouldn't have been allowed to discriminate.

Even now after 6 months there, I'd still feel a teeny tiny bit guilty if I fell pg now as I still haven't been there that long. However I was talking to my mum the other day about it... she said us women have absolutely nothing to feel guilty about, and if our employers want a younger generation to look after the country and economy and work in hospitals and nursing homes when they are elderly, then women need to have time off work to have babies! That made me feel much better :D lol x
I concur with everyone else hun!

Take the new role.

You aren't pregnant at the moment so there is no conflict of interest.

Best of luck!

I would take it hun, if you have been offered it you deserve it! xx

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