Digital photo frames


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2006
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Am starting to think these might be THE gift this year.

Argos do one for £34.99 but it's constantly sold out as are the cheaper frames in all the big retailers.

I can't be bothered to hunt anymore so have gone for £40 ones from, so at least I know I've got them.

Anyone else planning these for pressies? Where are you getting yours from?
They have them in Asda for £38.

Whats special about them? Are they like a photo slide show? Do you have to plug them in?
Just check out with the cheaper ones (Boots had one that we were looking for for £40 or so) that it has its own memory otherwise you have to buy a separate memory card which makes it as expensive as ones that cost £90 etc.
Kylie1007 said:
Just check out with the cheaper ones (Boots had one that we were looking for for £40 or so) that it has its own memory otherwise you have to buy a separate memory card which makes it as expensive as ones that cost £90 etc.

The ones I've bought have got free memory cards with them so maybe I did get a good deal after all!

Izzy wrote
Whats special about them? Are they like a photo slide show? Do you have to plug them in?

Yeah, you put your memory card in them for a slideshow in a frame. They're for our parents :D
I bought one a couple of days ago for £39 ish from tesco. looks pretty on my mantlepiece
I just bought the same one as minxy from that site :D
i dunno.. seem a lil bit of a waste of cash to me...although i can see why they would be appealing.. jsut dont get why they are soooo expensive for what they are.. you can get a decent digital camera for bout a 10r more..i would perhaps think aobut it if they are about 20 quid.. but nearing 40 bucks for it.. nah!
I don't really like them,they're alright I suppose,if your house is more modern style,but our cottage is all old-fashioned inside,and it would just look out of place.It's a good idea for christmas pressie,actually,I think my xcousin would like something like that.Hmm.. :think:
my OH bought one last month for our living room, he paid £130 from HMV and although its a lot of money its a great thing to have!
I love just sitting looking at the pictures on it!
I then bought one for my sister's christmas for her living room and have uploaded pictures of her and her OH on it so its ready to use!
I am getting my dad one for xmas as he loves that sort of thing and takes MILLIONS of pics :lol:

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