did you know your exact date of conception and if so....


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2008
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was baby late or early?

With the babies of mine i knew my conception dates i was pretty much spot on, one of them was born on the day he was due and i knew his exact time and day of conception the only one i had no real idea about and so went on docs dates was so say 2 weeks late (i say 2 weeks early).
Just wondered for those of you who new exactly babies conception were you late or early :think:
i didnt know as we weren't TTC, but according to my dating scan when i was pregnant with melissa she must have been conceived on 17 september 2006 as my new due date was 10 june 2007. that was the day i gave birth so does look like they were right! altho that still doesnt REALLY answer your question does it sorry hehe!
Yes (4th August 2007 at 1am Mauritius time) which gave a due date of 26-27 April 2008.

So she was bang on time yes.

I think the length of cycle makes a big difference though. Mine's a regular 28 days.
Rudy was 2 days late if I go by conception day, but like Debecca mentioned it depends on cycle length. So, I'm 30 days which actually makes the day he was born on was spot on!
According to my workings my dates we about 10 days different from what the Doctors told me. My LO was born one day after his official due date but by my reckoning was 11 days overdue.

My MW said the moment he popped out and she saw him 'That's one very full term baby' and said he was closer to 42 weeks than 40.
I wasn't TTC with my ex with Tia, but he lived in London and me in Hampshire atm, and there was only one possible time I could have gotten pregnant... so I did know my conception date... Tia was late.

Lil miss we were trying, and I knew around what time I would have conceived but not the exact date. From the date of my conception she was over a week early...

This post really was of no use :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I didnt know 'exactly' the date of conception but had an idea.. and if I was right Ryan was 3 days late.
Hmm not really sure how to work it out cause I dont know how many weeks pregnant you are if you go from date of conception rather than LMP :oops:

I'll give you my details so you might be able to work it out better than me :oops:

I ovulated on 31st Aug & 1st Sept 2008

We BD'd on both days and also on 2nd Sept.

Maia was born on 25th May 2009, my original due date from LMP was 24th May but then they changed my date at 12 week dating scan to 21st May 2008.

Errr I think she was late. I worked it out at 38 weeks from ov then she should have been due on 23rd or 24th. Can you let me know the answer please?? :lol:
I knew my conception date and Poppy arrived 6 days early from what would have been her due date from that date
Henry was conceived 8th February so 40 weeks on from that would have been the 14th November and he was born on the 12th november... so goin by LMP was 12 days late but goin by conception date was just 2 days off the 40 weeks....and he didn't look overcooked other than the fact he poo'd inside me - i'd say he came at exactley right time actually... infact i wish i'd gone by my conception date rather than the LMP one cos the last 2 weeks of being "overdue" were really shitty and had i gone by my conception dates i wouldn't have felt "overdue" .. if that makes sense lol :D
Baillie was verry late. I know when I concieved and given this date my due date would have been 5th April. First scan gave me the 14th April. Baillie arrived 25th April!!

Kim x x x x
According to dating scan Jake was concieved halloween 06 :lol: and according to those dates he was 2 days early :D
I even know the time of conception!!!! :lol:

6 days early.
don't know date of conception with the others but this time it was the 16th april which will make me full term from conception on the 7th january 09 but don't think i will go that long baby is 3/5th engaged already

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