Conception dates


Aug 17, 2011
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hi can conception dates be wrong by 7 weeks? ive had 2 scans one at 8weeks and 2nd at 12 weeks. so doctors saying i concieved beggining of may. could this be wrong and i actually concieved 7 weeks prior>? thanks in advance x
I don't think so Hun , scans are usually right but if they arnt they are only out by a few days here and there. Deffo not weeks out x

I know they go by the scan because its normally only out by a few days, you start maternity and everything according to the scan date so i doubt it would be so far out! xx
double post? meaning? im oviously just worried thats why ive decided to re post this issue and have some more opnions thats all.
Hun she meant she duplicated her own reply by mistake so rather than you seeing two replies identical she modified it by saying "double post"
It can happen when you click "send" twice

Scans can be wrong but not often. They are usually days not not weeks out unless you are sure when you ovulated and did the deed!?
No, scans are only out by a coyple of days or so. They use the size of ur baby to determine when u conceive.
I would be extremely worried if there was a 7 week difference.
Are you the one who asked this a few weeks back??

Its extremely unlikely they would be wrong by 7 weeks, the placenta only lasts for a certain amount of time hence why they induce, if they were potentially 7 weeks oyt on dating in some scans there would be an awful lot of babies put in danger!! X
what the other girls said, its really not possible to be out by as much as seven weeks. Are you aware that they date your pregnancy from your last period not the date you actually conceived. So technically you are already 2 weeks pregnant when you were with the father of your baby. Hope that helps. How many weeks pregnant are you now? We can help you work out your conception dates from that if you want.
Hun she meant she duplicated her own reply by mistake so rather than you seeing two replies identical she modified it by saying "double post"
It can happen when you click "send" twice


Yeh i clicked post twice by mistake and didn't want everyone to have to read it twice- its the norm to edit it as double post... i didn't know that you had posted this before lol x

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