I didn't have a clue with James. I started throwing up several times a day but I thought it was a bug. My OH kept saying 'you better not be pregnant' but it didn't cross my mind he might be right. I was still having periods, although very light.
The day we were flying to Gran Canaria for a holiday I was still being sick so I phoned the doctor and he said don't eat anything, just drink flat coke and take travel sickness tablets.
I went to the chemist and because the tablets said not to be taken if pg I thought Id do a test 'just to make sure' and to shut up OH who was still moaning about me being pg. When I got a positive I was shocked, I thought the test was faulty as the line appreared in a couple seconds rather than minutes!
I told OH and he wouldn't talk to me, his brother came to pick us up to take us to the airport half hour later and wondered why OH was in a mood but we didn't tell him.
It totally ruined the holiday cos OH spent most of the holiday sulking, sitting in the hotel room watching boomerang cartoon channel
It's a good job I did test though, Id have been out on the piss every night else!
I had hardly drunk before the holiday luckily as I was trying to lose weight for the holiday and had been following the slim fast plan
I had stomach pains during the holiday so went to the resort doctor who had me rushed to hospital in an ambulance thinking it might be eptopic. They checked me over at the hospital and told me to go to a clinic a few days later for an ultrasound (good job I had holiday insurance!) When the scan showed us a 11 week feotus (no wonder the pg test result was instant!) I was amazed and loved James immediately. OH spent the rest of the holiday trying to talk me into an abortion and gave me an unltimatum of him or the baby, I chose James so we split up once we returned home! It took OH till he was 3 monts old to come around to the idea though! He'd spent his time after we split up moping around, getting drunk and feeling sorry for himself until realising he'd made a big mistake. When he gave me the ultimatum I dont think it occured to him I actually leave him, it totally shocked him
Logan was totally planned and I'd been charting using fertility friend. I still didn't think I was pg in the run up to testing though, Id been feeling exhaused but thought I was ill again