Did i just feel a kick???


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2012
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I am sitting at my desk and just felt a real sharp jab of pain on the right hand side at the bottom of my stomach but just about in line with my hip bone. Then it followed by 2 further sharp jabs..... did i just feel baby kick!? :oooo:
It's hard to say really, I wouldn't describe my first movements as a 'pain', more of a flutter?? And 16 weeks may be slightly too early?? But you never know, it might be :)
hmmmm i googled it looks like round ligament pains... whatever that is!
I've had a couple of little flutters over the last two days but not sure if that's anything. How exciting if you did feel kicks though eek!! I've definitely had the sharp pains accompanied by general cramping xx
Google tells me it was round ligament pain and the syptoms are identical to what it says :( maybe in a few weeks the kicks will come!
The kicks will be there before you know it! If its any help for the future, I'd describe actual kicks as feeling like muscle spasms. Not sure if others would agree obviously :)
Does sound like ligament stretching I'm afraid, but sure you'll feel bubs soon! When you get a kick you will definitely know what it is :)
Mine felt like bubbles or 'pre farts' lol but like indigestion
Definitely not painful, they are lovely :D
Started at 16 weeks so could be soon for you :)
The only way I've heard the first sensation described accurately is by asking if you've ever bought a fish from the pet store, and felt them brush the side of the bag on your hand.

Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.
At first I wasn't sure but now I can deffo tell sometimes if I put my hand there I can feel it on my hand as well.

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