Did anyone watch Emmerdale?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2007
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Just wondering, i saw the storyline on this Morning and was umming and arring about whether to watch it, needless to say i could only watch the first scene where the little baby was found but then had to switch over.

It has made me so paranoid, for those who arent sad lik me and dont watch emmerdale a baby died of SIDS.

I have had to keep checking Amber, i know that awareness is brillant but its scared the hell outta me.

:hug: :hug: :hug: for all us mummies xxx
i could not watch it i knew wot was going to happen so decided against it, it scares me enough as it is
i guessed that was what was gonna happen from cover of the tv guide..i wouldn't want to watch it .heartbreaking as it is its not what i want to watch when i get chance to sit down

don't watch emmerdale anymore these days as it clashes wiht fifi and the flowertots
I watched bits of it and it was heart breaking. I kept going to check on Dylan (more than i usually do). I don't always watch Emmerdale but it was very well done, but so sad
I knew it was going to be on so decided to avoid it like the plague. It's my worst fear. The thoughts of it go through my mind often so last thing I need is an image of what it would actually be like. I would of cried. Still makes me sad to think that it was on so imagine how it would of affected me had I watched it :cry:
I've never watched Emmerdale in my life but I saw it last night and it was so sad, I know it was only acting but it made me realise that parents have to go through that every day in real life :(

I was at work at the time so I didn't cry but if I'd watched it at home I would've done. I couldn't wait to get home and cuddle my kids :cry:
Well i did watch it today and it is so sad, but so brilliantly done.

I too had to check on Amber numerous times last night and today...i agree Kirsty - many parents have to go through this everyday and its heartbreaking.
I didn't know what was going to happen and I saw the bit where they found him and had to switch it over! :cry:

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