Diarrhoea or sloppy poo - mmm nice topic


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2007
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Last Friday I phoned the HV cos Finn did a dark spinach green poo and his poos are always so sloppy and I didn't know whether that much sloppiness was normal! She said not to worry because he eats lots of fruit n veg and water so its his gut demonstrating how healthily its working.

Today it's been kinds of watery and a little mucusy so I'm wondering whether it's diarrhoea or simply sloppy poo. He hasn't been out of sorts or crying like he's got a poorly tummy/off his food/drink etc. but today I have changed 4 very sloppy pooey nappies (3 of which were before 9.30!). Yesterday I changed a couple (including an "up the back of the nappy and into the vest" one :puke: ). They're totally gross and I'm going through packs of wipes cleaning him up (and making his little bum sore with all the wiping too!).

Am I worrying un-ncecessarily? Is this normal, cos when it comes to baby poo, I don't know!!!
Well, sounds to me that he might have a tummy bug :hug:

To make his poos more solid try giving him loads of white rice (by adding it to mashed potatoe and some meat).

And I would check this with GP :hug:
There are a lot of tummy bugs going around just now so it could be that. Keep up the fluids and keep an eye on him. I'm sure he will be fine and his poos back to normal in the next day or two.

I have to add that our little man can have up to 4 large poos in 1 day that are not very pleasant. I have never worried as he has been his usual self and has never had a temp. xxx
Could he be teething.... Arianna always got nasty nappies when she was teething
SarahH said:
Could he be teething.... Arianna always got nasty nappies when she was teething
Yes he is teething - just got his 2 top middle ones last week

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