diagnosis of pcos


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2008
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can anyone tell me how they were diagnosed with pcos? I went to dr's before christmas because my cycles were all over the place since coming off the pill and i have srange hairs growing in places that i shouldn't! One of the things the dr mentioned was pcos. She did a few blood tests one was for progesterone i think ( not 100% sure though) She said there was no point doing a cd 21 test as my last cycle had been 53 days. If i did have pcos would it have shown up on the progesterone test? I phoned for results and receptionist said they were all normal so didn't need to se dr again.
I've just read another post about pcos and it seems that irregular and light periods are another sign of pcos ( i have both) so now i'm not sure if i need to go back and talk to dr again.
I went to my drs like you with irregular periods. He did loads of bloods and said that he would send me to a FS to get some more tests for PCOS. They did some more blood tests and also an internal scan.

The bloods that my dr did turned out 'normal' but the bloods that the FS did confirmed that I do have pcos :( Not sure why the blood results are different :think: but never mind :)

If I was you I would go and see you dr again if he/she is not helpful then I would go see a different one (if you can) When I went the first time to the drs I saw a horrible dr I was nearly begging her to do blood tests as she was just saying ''cd88 is not that long really'' :shock: I went back and saw my GP and he is the one that sent me to the FS even though I had only been TTC for 10 months as well :D

Good Luck and I hope you get some answers and your BFP soon :hug: :hug: :hug:
I hadn't had a period in ages and have always had a little extra hair that I have to wax off, and I had acne all the way through university and still get touches of it occasionally. I finally went to the doctor and asked to have a blood test done, which came back as having a high likelihood of PCOS, so they scheduled me for an ultrasound to confirm it.

I also had a thyroid test done later (as hypothyroidism is frequently an unwelcome partner of PCOS). That actually came back that my thyroid was a bit sluggish but that I didn't have hypothyroidism; however, when I spoke to my kinesiologist about it, he tested me and said that my thyroid wasn't actually functioning at a level he would consider 'normal', and he put me on a strict diet which I have since struggled to actually follow. The diet is meant to fix my thyroid as well as improve my PCOS problems, and I do find that when I'm following it a bit more closely that my symptoms get better.
Thanks for the replies girls. I think i will see how this cycle goes and go back to the docs if it's another weird one.


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