DH's 93 year old Granny.


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2011
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We've waited until after the scan to tell DH's Nan that she is going to be a Great Grandma. Rang her up this morning to arrange a visit to tell her in person and show her the pics. It was a disaster, she didn't have her hearing aid in, said no thanks to the visit and put the phone down. Its not malicious she's just old and frail and not feeling up to it. Just made me laugh. I think we're just gonna let DH's Dad tell her instead.
My wee granny passed away 2 years ago, she was 92. She was still living on her own, doing her own house work ect.

Anyway, could you not ask DH's dad to ask her if you could visit? Incase maybe she didn't understand you on the phone? Or get him to tell her, and she might still want you's to go round with the photos? The older generation love looking at scan pics, coz they never had anything like that in their day!

Ah love her! They r funny things nanas he he! My granny passed away but we live in her old house and always remeberibg silly things she used to do!
She's a bit stubborn and definitely knows what she wants so if she doesn't want a visit just now they'll be no talking her round. I'm sue she'll want a visit and see the pics when she knows so it'll work out ok.
Hehe! Old people are great! My Nana is always saying/doing random things that make me laugh! My Uncle went speed dating a couple years ago and when my Nana was told about it she instantly thought they meant he was on drugs :rofl:

I'm sure she'll want you over asap when she's told about it :D xx
Hehe! Old people are great! My Nana is always saying/doing random things that make me laugh! My Uncle went speed dating a couple years ago and when my Nana was told about it she instantly thought they meant he was on drugs :rofl:

I'm sure she'll want you over asap when she's told about it :D xx


In Glasgow if we go to a club its called going to the dancing, I told my wee grannie I was going to the dancing, and she starts asking me what sort of dancing i'll be doing ect - she thought it was ballroom dancing - then I had to go through the embarrasment of explaining how ppl dance in clubs looooool

Lol. Bless her.

My grandad is 91 and when I told him he said "well done". Lol.

Funny when people say well done isn't it.

When my best friend saw my OH after pregnancy was announced she patted him twice on the shoulder and said....well done...looool strange when you think about it.

We let my OHs mum tell his gran as I wasn't sure the response we'd get. When she was told about my sils pregnancy she ask why they had burdened themselves so young (they were married and both 28!) and that they should be seeing the world not having children! I was expecting the same as I'm 25 although we have done a fair amount of travelling and both have full time careers unlike my sil. We got the complete opposite shes absolutely thrilled and keeps asking how I am! Such a shock! I hope as soon as she finds out what you want to see her about she'll want you to go round! x x x
Well the message finally got through. First thing she said.....how old are you?

Oh well.

She did say congratulations after that.
My nan was on the phone today bollocking my dad for taking me to a village fete cos no doubt I'm too tired for that sort of thing :rofl: Imagine a 63 yr old taking that from his mum :rofl:

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