DH wants to TTC. But I keep getting nervous!


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2010
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So I had it all decided in my head that December was the month we're going to start TTC so we've started our vitamins and last weekend was our last alcohol.

But for the past few days whenever we DTD my husband wants to turn it into BD and it's only because I say we ought to stop and get a condom that we do.

All I've wanted for 3 years is to be pregnant and now he's offering to make it happen it's making me scared!!!

Urgh. Why am I so confused about it all??
Ha ha this made me giggle. I'm exactly the same!! You get so used to waiting that when they say they want to go for it you get a but freaked out! Don't worry hun. Must be completely normal. It's scary but so exciting!!!
Hi cupcake mummy :) I saw some of your posts before and it sounds like you had accepted wtt and I guess when he's changed his mind all of a sudden it's a bit of a shock! But how exciting for you!! Do you agree with Your hubby? Xx
Thanks ladies.

Well....I think I'm going to stick to my december plans.

Really just because I hated my 2ww last month and because DH has only started taking his vitamins last month and sperm take 3 months to be made. (He's also had a drink in the last 2 weeks - only 2 pints mind - and I want that out of his system.)

I know I'm being over cautious!

Also I'm really looking forward to our holiday in May. So if we TTC now I'll have to cancel!
Of course, however, I'm a woman and my mind may change at any moment!

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