Developmental checks .


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2010
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As per some advice from Tiny I have pushed and Aoibheann is going to be properly assesed on Monday for her speech development . I feel like she is doing a bit better now but I do know she is a bit behind in this and I wasnt comfortable waiting until she is three . Im very nervous but relieved that we are getting on top of things as early as possible . Has anyone else had to do this ?
I've not had to do it, but came very close with E Cos she just would not speak at all! Honestly, when I met G I don't yhink she was talking at all! I remember him trying to get her to say his name for months! I know his friends little boy is having speech therapy tho! Hope everythings ok with her, she might just be a late bloomer!xxx

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Yeah I think she is , its funny she wont say a thing but then comes out with loads . She ran into the kitchen before she left sayin " mammy my boots" and handed me her boots but then refused to say hi to her grandad . Stubborn mare :rotfl:
:rofl: I was amazed when E started talking! She's one of those kids that just sits quietly and watches! She went from saying nothing to talking in sentences in a matter of weeks! There's no bloody shutting her up now!

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Well Im sort of happy . She says her foot does have a slight turn but not to worry as it wil go away . She said Aoibh has about 20 words and is doing ok but could be better so is sending me some info about helping but doesnt see a need for speach therapy . Im still not convinced though .
I only just saw this. Im sorry you dont feel reassured by it all :( do you want to PM me a bit and we'll see if we can work it out between us online? Im up for a challenge :lol:
Thats so kind of you :hugs: thanks hun I'll send you a message in a few x
Thats nice you on top of things... One of my friends kid dont talk at all and hes around 5 yrs. no one know why? but hes so super hyperactive.

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