

Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2005
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Isaac isn't sitting up yet on his own and he arches his back after about 15 minutes in his highchair. Other than that the only other thing I'm keeping an eye on is that his hands tremble slightly now and again, especially when he has just woken up.

Do any of you have any little things you are worried about and are keeping an eye on?

Oh and Isaac has a large soft spot but the HV has told me they will check it at his 8 month check.

Lou :)
Ella can sit up unaided for a while, but she can't roll. Neither front to back or vice versa. Am not too worried as I think it's down to her tight neck muscle which can delay motor skills, she's got an ultrasound on it tomorrow.

My only concern is her neck muscle which causes her to mostly keep her head to one side (causing a flat spot on the side of her head, which in turn makes her face swollen on one side).
Damien rolls now but can't really sit, no real attempt to crawl except shaking his legs about! I'm not too worried about his development though as each baby grows differently, and boys are slower than girls normally (apparently).

Seren can sit for a bit unaided but then falls over. I am a bit worried about her speech as she doesn't talk as much as she used to :(
Reece never sat up unaided till quite late- cant remember when but he was much later than his 2 friends of the same age. Now his 2 friends are crawling about all over the place and Reece isn't. But he's whizzing round the furniture like a right loon lol :dance:

I dont think you should be worried. In my baby book of the HV it says "if not sitting up unaided by 9 months then ask advice off doctor". So you've got plenty time to worry.

Beanie, Reece went through a stage of talking his head off when he first learnt to do it. Then he stopped for over a month and only made the odd gurgle. I got dead worried but then he started again (wish he hadn't :roll: lol only jokin :wink: ) Give it maybs a few weeks and she'll be yattering away again like she's never stopped :D
Thanks for your replies. I suppose we wouldn't be human if we didn't all have little worries. Its good to share things though to keep things in perspective. I think I worry more because my nephew is disabled and its made me realise that you can't take anything forgranted.

Rosieroo, my cousin's baby had problems with her neck muscles but after some physio it corrected itself.

With regards to the sitting up and rolling thing I was also worried a few weeks ago about Isaac not rolling front to back but then we put him down to change his bum one day and he just did it and he hasn't stopped since! They really can do nothing one day and everything the next. I know the same will happen with his sitting up but I want him to do it now to put my mind at rest.

Lou :)
Eva can roll. She reaches for things but can't hold on to them! She has trouble keeping her dummy in her mouth too.
Brody can roll and crawl properly now, it's bloody hard work!

He can't sit up yet tho.
Braydon can sit roll and i starting to stand himself up but not really tring to crawl think hell just go into walking
Thomas cannot roll and cannot sit unaided. He is starting though to sit up when he is lying on our knees. He talks loads now , between the wawa , baba, dada..... and the ahrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ahrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :wink:

but apart from that, he is very chilled and does not see why he should have to rush things if he does not have too lol
Hey think i'm being dumb but what do you mean roll forwards and backwards. Jacob can roll onto his left side but not onto his tummy. Are we talking somersaults here?!!!

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