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Apr 1, 2011
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I feel embarrassed writing this but the last couple of weeks I've been really depressed, I'm at college atm and I just don't wana go in, i don't want to go to placement in a nursery, or shopping or out anywhere. I just wana lie in bed all day and watch telly. I don't like having sex anymore either, i love it when its happening but after I feel dirty or like I've been rapped when I haven't. It's making my boyfriend (babys dad) struggle to help as after sex i cry, n out of no where i'll start crying...i just feel constantly fed up and sad, think its cuz of stress of moving out, driving test, col work ect.... is there anybody else feeling like this? Has anyone got any advise?:roll:
I saw a mental health midwife today because of my depression... I've suffered with it for years to be fair, but since finding out I was pregnant things have gradually gone downhill... It's normal to feel a bit down during pregnancy as I'm sure you know but if you think this is more than just your hormones messing with your emotions maybe speak to your midwife or gp about speaking to mental health? They are very helpful and reassuring. :hugs: I hope things improve hunni, it's horrible I know xx
a would suggest u speak to ur midwife or doctor about it as heard alot people get this during pregnancy maybe few weeks of work that might help u get urself sorted x
Sorry to hear you're feeling low at the moment (((huggles))) How far on are you? It can be pretty damn hard being pregnant as the ladies on here will tell ya. Hormones are all over the place and ya feel knackered etc etc!!

You've a lot going on in your life by the sounds of it. Moving home is meant to be one of the most stressful things to do & that's without being pregnant. I moved home in December '10, about a week before crimbo and I was feeling pretty darn rough with morning sickness & exhaustion & I just couldn't be excited and I didn't feel like helping my OH to move our stuff. I actually resented the move tbh. It was only after I hit tri2 and got rid of the sickness that I began to enjoy my new home.

I'm also learning to drive at the mo and so want my licence before babi comes along so I'm flat out revising for my theory and practical. It ain't easy hun as I start work everyday at 6am and am standing all day for 7hrs. So I do feel for your situation as in I too totally do not want to do anything. I'm sure your college work is extra stress too. Can you speak with any of your tutors to see if you can get any leeway/extension time on any work you've to hand in because of your situation?

Your feelings about sex, are you just having sex to keep your bf happy at the mo or are you genuinely ok with it? Maybe you feel guilty afterwards for having sex because you're pregnant? I know there are both pregnant women and some partners that have felt that way. It may be a good idea as already suggested, to have a wee chat with your MW or GP about how you feel huni. You may be either just going through a wee rough patch with everything that's going on in your life at the mo or you may next extra help and support from your MW/GP network.

I hope you feel better soon huni. And remember, we gals are here to "talk" to aswell if you need it. Sometimes all you need to hear is that someone else is feeling as crappy and experiencing the same feelings through this rollercoaster called pregancy haha x
Thanks BabysMomma for your comment and the other girls for their comments :) I've only just checked the post, I just feel on my own plus I'm 18 in a couple of weeks so I'm only young, I mean it was my choice to be in this situation and I don't regreat it, just scared. I've never wanted to leave my mom until I was serious in a relationship, had a good job and knew it was the right thing to do, but in the back of my head I know it isn't... I'm still having morning sickness and I'm 19 weeks pregnant, I'll have my gender scan on friday and not even that can cheer me up sometimes. I'm just petrified so much that it makes me cry to admit it, I don't wana be a failure to my baby, I wana be the best mom I can but If I carry on like this I'm terrified it will be took off me cuz I'm young or have no money. I'm terrified of been put on the streets, or my boyfriend turning agressive on me. Sex sometimes feels okay now, but I don't know if I want to be with him anymore, we have been together nearly 2 years and I just don't feel the same about him, last week I caught him flirting with one of my friends (well trying to) he claims It looked too much into it and he wasn't flirting just trying to re-assure her and tease her as a friend because she is quite shy. But that made me feel worse, I feel my younger sisters can't wait to get me out the house, they don't stop pressurizing me. I think If i wasn't pregnant, I'd be suisadal but I wouldn't do anything stupid now cuz of the little one that I do love to pieces, it's just everything especailly with telling my dad who is a wanker (sorry but thats the best way to describe him) his gonna be horrible to me and I don't know what to do, I just feel like running away but I've got nowhere to run too or no money to take. I'm too ashamed to tell the midwife cuz my boyfriend is always there, so I don't wana talk infront of him, but If I tell him to go he will go mad at me later and he scares me when he does that cuz I think his gonna hit me. :( I feel so low, does anyone else feel like this?
Oh huni, your situation doesn't sound nice to be in. You really need to speak with someone. I really feel for you. It defo sounds as though everything is getting you really down. Is there anyway at all that you could speak with the midwife alone? Maybe just say to your bf its to do with the giving birth part that you're embarrassed about and that you want to talk to the midwife about it cos she's female...or something disgusting female related that he won't want to be in the room.

With all the hormonal changes throughout pregnancy its only natural to feel low at times and we can make irrational decisions and have irrational thoughts about our relationships with family etc. But kif you're feeling like your bf would in some way physically harm you, or harm you in any way, that's not a good enviroment to be in hun...or to bring babi into.

Please never, ever feel embarrassed to discuss your feelings like this with someone. There's a blooming nasty stigma attached to depresson which I loathe...where people seem to think that you should"just get on with it". Geez, if I know anything, its that people suffering from depression do not want to feel the way they do and would give anything to feel happy etc

You really do need to speak with someone huni and get the support you need :hugs: x

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