

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2008
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I had the depo injection 11 weeks ago. I wasn't told how long it lasted or what i needed to do when it does come to an end. I'm breastfeeding but woke up and went to the loo and there was a bit of blood. Now i wasn't expecting a period because of breastfeeding but this is the first time i've had the injection. Is it coming to an end and this is what happens? Or is it totally unrelated? I'm confused.
Depo lasts for 12 weeks. When I first went on it I had to go back every 10 weeks for the next injection but then they changed it to very 12 weeks cos otherwise we were having an extra dose each year.

I changed to the pill the last week I was covered by epo so not sure if the bleed is sign that it's out of your system.

Hi there when i was on the depo they advise you to come every 12 weeks to get another jab.
However like you i had a few occasions where i would get to week 11 and have a bleed or feel as though i was gonna have AF.
So i was advised to come back at 11 weeks for the next jab :)
I best ring them then. I found they gave me no info whatsoever, and no idea who i need to see for a repeat.
I went to get mine from the family planning clinic, walk in clinic.
When the 11 weeks were up i would just pop along and have it done, no appointment :)
Ahh. I dunno where my nearest is. When i had my 8 week check i was told to have it with Angel's. But the GP was mad and didn't know that was the plan. She said about if we hadn't got any injections in then she may have to have one delivered to me for me to do myself! Or that's how it came across. My OH was with me and that's how he understood it. Will ring the drs in a bit when Angel quietens down. I know with my pill renewal i needed to see the practice nurse.
I had the depo injection 11 weeks ago. I wasn't told how long it lasted or what i needed to do when it does come to an end. I'm breastfeeding but woke up and went to the loo and there was a bit of blood. Now i wasn't expecting a period because of breastfeeding but this is the first time i've had the injection. Is it coming to an end and this is what happens? Or is it totally unrelated? I'm confused.
Depo lasts for 12 weeks. When I first went on it I had to go back every 10 weeks for the next injection but then they changed it to very 12 weeks cos otherwise we were having an extra dose each year.

I changed to the pill the last week I was covered by epo so not sure if the bleed is sign that it's out of your system.

Hi there when i was on the depo they advise you to come every 12 weeks to get another jab.
However like you i had a few occasions where i would get to week 11 and have a bleed or feel as though i was gonna have AF.
So i was advised to come back at 11 weeks for the next jab :)
I best ring them then. I found they gave me no info whatsoever, and no idea who i need to see for a repeat.
I went to get mine from the family planning clinic, walk in clinic.
When the 11 weeks were up i would just pop along and have it done, no appointment :)
Ahh. I dunno where my nearest is. When i had my 8 week check i was told to have it with Angel's. But the GP was mad and didn't know that was the plan. She said about if we hadn't got any injections in then she may have to have one delivered to me for me to do myself! Or that's how it came across. My OH was with me and that's how he understood it. Will ring the drs in a bit when Angel quietens down. I know with my pill renewal i needed to see the practice nurse.

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