Dentist *let off steam*


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2006
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I've always had a big fear of the dentist but i go for the sake of my girls, i had 2 lovely women dentists who knew my fear and treated me apropriatly. Yet 2 wks ago my sister went and they had shut for the day and had not cancelled her appointment, needless to say she was pi**ed off with this. Then last wk she had her appointment and said the old team had left, they now had new people.
I went for my appointment today with my girls and because the receptionists were talking to another woman, i was 10 mins late booking in and tehy told me to sit and wait. Then they called me and i asked why they hadn't called Jamie and Rachael, they accused ME of not booking them in, so i showed then the card i had with our names and time of appointment on. They then said becuase I was "late" i would have to wait!!!!!!
I made my way to the waiting room and the nurse came in and said they could not see the kids as they didn't have time!!!!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: I was so mad i couldn't help myself!!!! I never kick up a fuss but i've got lots of man trouble at the mo and was already wound up, i went back downstairs and told the receptionists to cancel me as i was disgusted, the snotty cow said "its not the fact that your kids weren't booked in, its the fact you turned up late!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" :shock: :shock: :shock: HOW RUDE!!!! I said it was her fault for having a conversation, i was ontime and she was lucky she was behind the counter otherwise i wouold have smacked her mouth up for her (i'm never violent!!) and that they could stick their appointment up their a*se as i would find a dentist who treat their patients with a bit of respect!!
u should have jumped over the counter claire!!!!
jeez, thats not good treatment at all, complain!!!!
i hate the dentist too :x
I don't usually bother but i think i may complain as i've now gotta find a new dentist and the girls were upset that they didn't get sen as they were looking forward to a sticker. I've never seen the waiting rooms so full so i think they were fobbing me off. My bump is huge now so surely they should have thought about raging hormones before treating me like a piece of cack!!
you should complain although from the sounds of the managment they prob wouldnt do much :evil:
I don't think a complaint will do the slightest bit of good from their end although it might make you feel better. Good luck with finding another new dentist, from what I hear people are having a nightmare time finding NHS dentists now as they won't take on new patients due to the rules and regulations surrounding them and the "make more money" seeing clients privately thing. See their point I suppose why work for say £5 an hour if you can make £10 an hour doing the same thing? Anyway good luck with your complaint and new dentist search. Hope you find somewhere nice for you and your family.
Thanks, yes your right they prob wouldn't listen, my sister is in the middle of suing the NHS and they're making it very hard for her, denying everything when its all in black and white!! :roll:

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