Demanding tests...


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2010
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...has anyone been successful?!

I am on my 18th month. as i am only 24 they wont test me until i am at 2 years but i am SO fed up. my partner has tests this month.

It getting me so down. do you think i will be successful just going in and not taking no for an answer?! xx
Go for it Hun!

And maybe stretch the time to 20 months or something.

Good Luck!

The problem with walking in and making demands, is that the doctor has the final say and i know that if someone marched in shouting at me i'd dig my feet in and would be even less likely to budge.

I'm only on my 5th month and managed to blag tests, but i went in lying right from the start about how long i'd been actively ttc - they had no previous knowledge of my situation and i certainly didn't make any demands.

It actually says on the Nhs website to wait only one year before going to see your GP about your fertility, although many doctors try to quote two years, so maybe it is something you want to point out to them.

Also, with your husband having tests done you can try and manipulate that to your favour if you wait for the results.

If they are good, you can appeal to the fact that the problem must be with you.

If they are bad, you can appeal that you need to tests doing anyway assuming that you need assisted conception.
I agree with Louise - if you say that your OHs doctor is concerned enough to give him tests they may test you too. Good luck honey, hope you get some good news soon :hugs:

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