

Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2006
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Soo im waiting for my dryer to be delivered...cost £17 for delivery!! :shock: and my slot is 8am-6pm :x i mean come on the *******s charge that much for delivery when argos charge like £4 and give you better slots..

and thats the slot you i had to get up exhausted cause im not sleeping at night anymore at 8am and i cant go out, i cant go in the bath and i cant go back to sleep untill it comes :evil: and i bet the gits will come at like 5:59pm! if they come a minute late im friggin complaining and getting a refund for the delivery...and i bet they will moan when i ask them to move it the extra metre from the front door to the kitchen instead of just dumping it in front of the door and stairs!

When they say delivery thats what they usually the house and bye bye!

anyone else not keen on appliance deliverys? :think:
So far for the first time ever i have been pleasantly surprised, i just got a phone call saying he will be here in 30mins - 1 hour i guess to make sure someone was thats not too bad going...lets just see if he happily puts it in the kitchen for me...ey shall i ask him to install it too? (just kidding) :lol:

I might have found my perfect delivery man today..maybe he read my rant ? :rotfl:
Cassi, please stop posting threads with such provocative titles.

Don't you know how excited we all get when a third tri-er posts 'delivery'!!!!! :shock: :D
haha i know what you mean, the other day i had an 8.30-6pm delivery

its like sayin delivery any time between now and next week :twisted:
oh yeah sorry!! didnt think about that lol!

Yeah we have had something before and they said "anytime in the next week!" cant remember what it was but we were like :shock: umm thats great, and they wernt even going to call to say when! so someone had to be in all week :shakehead: :roll:

The guy put it in the kitchen for me!!! and unpacked it! but he took it out the truck and slammed it down on the floor :shock: then he got it in the house and put it down just as hard and slid it thru into the kitchen, then asked me to sign to say it had come in good condition...well i wasnt sure if it was going to work at that point lol..but it works and i finally have clothes in a drier! even if its about 4 inches wider than the space we have for in my poky kitchen we now have a big dryer in the middle of it... :doh:
did alan choose it by any chance...

my dad chose a new fridge freezer for our tiny kitchen, it now lives in the living room, as it didnt fit in my kitchn , typical eh..
yep he chose it and said "oh it might just fit"

well he will have a shock when he comes home and sees that it dosnt even fit in the gap sideways! i tried :rotfl:
We are going to have to take out the wooden panel that supports the surface..and just never put anything heavy on it, at least if it falls down it had the dryer to land on :rotfl:
has it come yet cassi!? you know we'll all want phontos when it comes and an announcment in the new arrivalssection would be fitting :lol:
tss you are just as bored as me i saw you're 10 random topics the other day too :rotfl: hehe
cassi said:
tss you are just as bored as me i saw you're 10 random topics the other day too :rotfl: hehe

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: i know! i admit it im a sad pregnant old fart!
you're a young old fart where as im a mature one
:rotfl: Im the're the mature cheddar :rotfl:

ive officially lost it :shhh:

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