Delivery questions: private Vs public; health insurance??


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2008
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Hi all

I am so happy to be here but am quite stressed about the birth of my little one.

I was meant to be returning to Australia where I have booked in with a private obstetrician into a nice private hospital with a nice private room (with a double bed!)- sounds good hey!
No, I am not a millionaire, but in Oz private health insurance coves maternity.

But now we may be staying here, so am frantic about delivery and ave a few questions....

I have heard that in the UK, private health insurance does not cover maternity. I called Bupa and they said that's right.

So, do people just fund the birth themselves if they want to go private? Does anyone know the approx cost? Am I right in assuming that without paying privately you cannot choose your Obs nor request a private room?

I am booked in at Chelsea and Westmister (London)- any thoughts on reputation?

Any info would be appreciated.
Thanks for that that's a start. I really have no idea about over here. Does everyone just go NHS?
clucky77 said:
Thanks for that that's a start. I really have no idea about over here. Does everyone just go NHS?

Hey Clucky!

To be frankly honest, I think nearly all women go through the NHS unless they are celebrities or extremely well off. But nearly doesnt mean all, and if thats the way you want to go and you can afford it then go for it!!!! If I had the money id go private.

However, the hospital I had my son in, gave each woman a private room to labour in and to use after birth but I assumes this depends on how busy they are but there are plenty of rooms. This will probably differ between hospitals?!

Good luck making your decision, whichever one you choose, you will be fine :D
I would think the reason why pregnancy is not covered by UK policies is that so many of us have private health cover as a benefit through work, meaning private health care in the UK really isnt just for the wealthy anymore.....I have had the benefit of private health care all my working life and even though I am no longer working, I have private healthcare through my husbands job!

I wouldnt pay to have my baby privately even if we had the money to do so - I can imagine it would cost in excess of £3000-£5000 (and thats not London prices which will be more, and thats if the pregnancy goes to plan, and there are no complications!

Having just been on a hospital tour at my local hospital, I was very impressed to be honest, and when Im in that much pain I will be happy to go where ever necessary!

I would call a couple of local private hospitals and ask them their prices for pregnancy!
I ave been told that my local hospital you get your own room for labour and after the birth with your own shower etc so to be honest cant see what more you would be paying for with going private... apart from possibly better appointment times and scans etc.
Thanks for all of the info- it's starting to clear some things up.

It's really quite different in Oz so god to hear people's opinions/ experiences. In Oz you choose your Obs and they care for you during your whole preg + you get the nice private hospital.

I think Chelsea and WM is really busy and private rooms are unlikely, but could be lucky on the day.

Anyone here gone or going private? I think it cost up to 10K here.
I think you can choose your hospital to some extent - I was certainly given a choice, so if the local one doesn't suit you could go for another. My experience was that I had a large private room for labour and birth, with private bathroom and shower and stayed there for a good few hours after that. I was them moved onto a ward which had around 6 beds in.
I spoke to my MW recently as i didnlt sleep at all in hospital and she said to request a private room this time - if there is one available and no complications I should get it.

My hospital does a tour to show you around the labour and post natal wards - I would go and have a look if yours offers something similar. I only know one person who went private (there were very particular reasons) but they had a home birth. Not sure of the cost but it was expensive. Second time round though she had an emergency c section so ended up in the NHS maternity anyway.

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