Degree + Baby??


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2006
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I have just recently signed up to do a degree course with the OU and I need to complete two sections over the next year. I start my first section Oct 06 till June 07, then I start another in Jan 07 till Oct 07 and go for a week at the university residential school for a project which is part of this Jan-Oct07 course. The first course is only 7 essays which I can do essays, and the second course is 6 essays and an exam at the end (which will be near the end of the year so no probs even though hate exams)

My question is to the ladies out there that have had children; do you think I will be capable of doing this? I am having Bam Bam in March, so the time off at home may help, or I just won’t be able to cope.

DH says I can do it, I am more than capable and he will help me as much as possible. The bonus is if I do carry on and do it, instead of taking me 6 years to complete the degree it will only take me 3.

I am panicking because I don’t know if I will cope, but then I thing to myself that I can do it, woman all over the world do it so why can’t I?
Hi hun. I have a 10 month old and am just about to complete my second year of an OU degree. I had to do 7 essays this year (just posted the last today) and have an exam in Oct. Personnaly I have found it easy doing it and looking after Noah. I also had a job three days a week, but I did find that a little to much work! So I have changed to a job working 2 evenings a week in a local pub instead. As most of the course is reading through books and doing exercises I just do it sitting in the lounge while little un toddles about. One thing I would recomend is having a laptop if you dont already that way you can always be in the same room as your little un instead of having to wait till they are asleep before running off upstairs or what have you to write your essay.

Any questions give me a shout.
sorry I just noticed you are doing two cources simultaniously. Just to give you an idea time wise they say to allow 16 hours a week study. Personally I do about 10! 2 hours a day monday to friday. I dont see it being a problem doing two courses together, but its worth checking to see if they clash much with assignment dates, as you may find it hard to give your attention to two different topics at the same time.
Brilliant thank you! What degree are you doing? I am doing the Bsc Psychology.

Re the two topics, the first course is the beginning DD100 which they suggest you do so that they know you can study, but i have done over 2 years studying Psychology at night college so i know quite a bit so that course hopefully, will be easier than the second and so i might be able to get my essays done earlier than they ask so that i can make time for the second course once i start it in jan.

I also did two courses at night college for two years, it was hard, but i was determined to do it.

It also helps that two ladies off the night college courses are also doign the same degree as me, so we all meet and discuss the essays/projects etc and i can rely on their help if i need it.
Hi Dawny!

I did OU to finish off my degree just after I had twinnies!

It is possible, hard work but possible.

i remember DD100 well, isn't it introduction to social sciences?

Still have the course books upstairs!
Dawny the pyschology course sounds really interesting, I'd love to do something like :)
yes kirlykird the DD100 is social sciences, and i did a lot of that in criminology at night college. Obviously there will be bits i havent' done, but with the course only being essays and no exams that first course will be easier.

I still can't decided to do it or not? :think: I really really do want to do it in 3 years rather than 6, but i don't want my unborn child to suffer once it is born??

I have had people tell me they have managed when having a baby, and had people tell me they couldn't. It really is going to be trial and error.

I think i will start both the courses and see how i go. If it gets too hard i will just have to stop and carry on at a later stage. The OU are very good/understanding and i know they will let me do that.
Oh cool I think I will be doing the social sciences course next (and that will be with two kids under the age of 2!) To be honest if you have already got experience in the subject you will find the first year very easy, as its designed for people who have not studied at a higher level before, and people that may not have any experienca of the subject. Last year while I was pregnant I studied Humanities and this year my course in philiosophy started in feb when Noah was only 3 months old. I studied loads to start with in the first month so I got a month ahead which means that I actually finished all the work at the end of june, and my exam is Oct. So I completed a level 2 course in 5 months, if you did this very little of your courses would overlap anyway. (plus your first year wont include an exam anyway.

Will you be trying to work as well, or will you be a SAHM?
I will be working up till march (not sure when exactly i will stop) and then have the 6 months maternity leave and then go back to work, i need to as we can't afford me not to work.

Luckily work is not too demanding and i can type up notes/essays during the day (don't tel me boss! :shhh: )

I am getting the jist that it is going to be very hard once Bam bam comes along, but i have to give it a try for my sanity (hate my boring mundain job!) and a better career to take care of out baby.
Yes unfortunately, but i may be able to change my working hours as other ladies have done that here after having their kids.
To be honest with you I think you will struggle with doing two courses, work full time and look after little un, housework, and actually be able to sit down for 5 mins!

Its up to you, is there any particular reason to want to hurry the degree? My plan is to do it over 6 years maybee even more if I take a year out somewhere, cause with another little one on the way, I want to go into teaching once I have finished having kids and they have all started school themselves. So it leaves me ample time to do my studies.
I just want to do it in 3 rather than 6, no real reason just that i want to be in a betetr job sooner rather than later. And i really want to do the course in the same time my friends are doing it, that way we can all go to the residential school next August for a week together and we can all meet up every month and help each other.

I can see it is going to be a real struggle, but i will see how i go. I can always defer a course till later if i can't handle it.

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