Decorating my new home thread

Just found a picture of what I have done on our chimney breast, I got the idea from this website for the colours and I was looking for a stencil online when I came across the same stencil that has been used in this example.

The stenciling was relatively easy to do but very time consuming but the effects are amazing and there are some gorgeous stencils you can buy. Everyone comments saying "ooh I like your wallpaper" they are stunned when I tell them its just paint. ... 946MULTISU
Just found the website where I bought my stencil from as well, just in case you wanted to have a look into it.

Some of them are really expensive like over £100 but ours was only £30 which is pretty reasonable when you look at the price of wallpaper.

ETA Oops forgot to add the link :oops:
Thanks again Charlie :D
chosing a stencil is the hardest decidion ive made so far i cant chose
do i want just a few designs on the wall dont think id want the whole wall done, would i want to stencil on all the walls are just the 2 main walls :think:
chocolate and teal im thinking leaves, flowers but not to flowery ie not roses as it would be to girly im not girly (and neither is James :lol: )
ummm :think:
I think the layout in your new house is really interesting and there is so much you could do.

We are hoping to move soon and i am thinking of ideas for our new house already even though we haven't found the house!

Right now we have:

Hall - plain cream
Kitchen - Red walls with one wall with wallpaper in a black and white tulip print (sounds mad i know!)
Living room - Sort of light creamy brown walls with one wall papered with cream and duck egg blue

Boys room - Blue (very boring!)
Our room - pale grey walls and feature wall of black wallpaper with big flowers on it
Bathroom - turquoise walls with one wall in glossy black damask wall paper with black wood work and white suite.

The new cream is Grey colours apparently - you can get some great colours that are grey based and look fab!
Geordie&Bairn said:
Thanks again Charlie :D
chosing a stencil is the hardest decidion ive made so far i cant chose
do i want just a few designs on the wall dont think id want the whole wall done, would i want to stencil on all the walls are just the 2 main walls :think:
chocolate and teal im thinking leaves, flowers but not to flowery ie not roses as it would be to girly im not girly (and neither is James :lol: )
ummm :think:

I would say stick to 1 design, on 1 wall, less is best.

There's some lovely stencils I will have a look for you tomorrow and see if I can find some non girly flowery ones.

If you want any tips on stenciling just let me know :D

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