Decided to start him on cows milk soon.


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2007
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I've decided to start giving my little man cows milk as a main drink soon and I'm looking for some advice and encouragement please.

Can I just start giving it to him?
Does it have to be the blue label milk?
How did your LO take to cows milk?

I was thinking of giving him cows milk in the morning and formula at night...Just wanted to know what you did or are planning to do.

Im going to be doing the same from xmas and i no its going to be a hard transition for me as kyran is use to comfort milk which is so much thicker than regular cows milk.

Im pretty sure it has to be blue top as it has the amount of fat they require. As for getting them use to the transition im planning to offer it as a drink to start with and see how he gets on. Im pretty sure its guna be a hard transition for me, he hates change :roll:

Let me no how you get on and if you come up with any tips!
I've been thinking about this too. Evie is refusing all formula feeds... she just won't entertain it anymore. If I get 12oz down her in a day it's an achievement...some days she only has 9oz.

The HV isn't worried because she is putting on weight as normal. I give her vitamin drops to replace the lost vitamins and I add lots of extra dairy into her foods but thats just becoming so hard because she ends up with everything in cheese sauce!...There aren't many sauces you can make with milk!

So I was thinking about giving her cows milk as her morning drink. I know the recommended age is 12 months so I'm trying to get past Xmas before I do it then she's at least 11 months.

I don't know whats better her cows milk early or just persisting with masses of dairy and force feeding her formula as best I can!
I started giving D cows milk at about 11.5 months - I finished the formula and just thought I'd try him with a bottle of milk. He finished it all so I decided he liked it and never bought any more formula. I had stopped bf'ing at around 9 months (at this stage it was only night time feeds bf). I had given him cows milk in his cereal from about 9 months anyway so he was already used to the flavour (although he has a very varied diet so it used to lots of flavours). Do what you think is right, if you want to gradually introduce it that will be fine too. You need to buy the 'blue' milk as it's full fat xx
I started giving Hayden warmed up full fat milk when he was 13 months i wanted to make sure he was completely over a year because his auntie and uncle both got ecezma(sp) because they had it too early..i was paranoid TBH its really fine to start earlier than that! He didnt seem to notice the difference to formula he just drank it,, i gave him a bottle in the morning and at night..i didn't notice any difference in him and i didnt wean him i just finished the last tin of formula and changed to milk!
Thanks for that ladies. :hug:

I think I will give him a taste of cows milk over the next few days and then give him it for his breakfast drink if all goes well.

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