December Babies!!

Im Due 24th Dec as i know the exact date we concieved but the hospital insist on going with the date they gave me at my 12 week scan (they said i was only 9 weeks) which is 3rd jan, i have explained this is not possible as we did NOT have sex again for at least two months lol

so please let me in the dec babies thread!!!
:wave: :wave: :wave:

IM DUE THE 19TH DECEMBER :) ..although the middy thinks i will be a que jumper :roll:
im team PINK :cheer:
Im due 1st December and its a girl.

Reckon ill go early tho , or is that just wishful thinking
we are team double blue due 26th december but section booked for the 8th so doing a bit of queue jumping :oops: xxxxxxxx
hennaly said:
Becky how come our tickers say the same and yet we have different due dates :think:

Hmmm I have no idea.... :think: I'll double check mine is right later, although it does always change to a full week on a Monday which is when I'm due....
:lol: they say the same now so it must just be we set them at different times :roll:
:wave: My Official EDD is 18/12/08 so that's what I go by as its saves confusion with appointments and stuff, but by my ov date Im a couple of days ahead of that (16/12/08) - have also been measuring ahead throughout so far.....but we'll see - guess LO will come when they want!
We know our team - and so do some people on here - but we have been telling everyone else (inc family) that we don't know, and also I have had a few days when I've got paranoid that they told us the wrong thing!
Hiya NW

I've been given two due dates (eh!!!!!) 25th Dec and 27th Dec :think: Praying the little one makes an appearance before the 25th as I want to be at home on CHristmas day watching my DD unwrap all her pressies.

And we are remaining team green!!! Ooh the excitment. :cheer:
choklatemunky said:
:wave: My Official EDD is 18/12/08 so that's what I go by as its saves confusion with appointments and stuff, but by my ov date Im a couple of days ahead of that (16/12/08) - have also been measuring ahead throughout so far.....but we'll see - guess LO will come when they want!
We know our team - and so do some people on here - but we have been telling everyone else (inc family) that we don't know, and also I have had a few days when I've got paranoid that they told us the wrong thing!
same here, eveyone here knows but none of my family or friends do :D
My son is due on the 13th of december :cheer:
24th of December for me but i will be induced early due to various problems.
So he should be here on time for Christmas :dance:

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