

Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2007
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ive got an ear infection.i had a cold thing for like a month and now ive got an ear infection,thing is its made me deaf in my left ear cant hear a thing!in someways its kind of good cos i cant hear kiara whinge as much.dunno how im gonna get on tomorow at wiggle and giggle mind you cos i wont be able to hear people very just struck me how we take something as simple as being able to hear for granted and thankfully my hearing will return :D
hope its not a middle ear infection , thats how brians lost his hearing in both ears perminatly ( althought his got about 20% in one ear) , it is scarey how much we take for granted , even watching tv we can now only watch programmes with subtitles
Gem & Leland said:
hope its not a middle ear infection , thats how brians lost his hearing in both ears perminatly ( althought his got about 20% in one ear) , it is scarey how much we take for granted , even watching tv we can now only watch programmes with subtitles

tis actually :shock: apparently its all the fluid build up from the flu virus i had.ive had one set of antibiotics now am on amoxycillin for aweek to see if they work.
i didnt mean to scare you :hug: its just when you've been through someone loosing their hearing ( twice) and you didnt even know that was possible it just makes u more wary. his first ear went over night 5 years ago and he was dizzy etc , it never came back even after steriods , antibiotics etc , the 2nd ear went more recently ( sept ) he wasnt ill it just went but this time it fluctuates and still does and tbh were gratefull it didnt go like first one ! he now has a hearing aid but can only due restricted duties at work , so something simple like an ear infection really did change our world ,

if it doesnt come back really soon demand to see a ent consultant because its steriods that are ment to help and sooner you get them the better

but please brian consultant said he was first case in 23 years to loose his hearing in both ears so its very rare ! so dont panic !
thanks hun :hug: :hug: :hug: im not panicking,im grateful for the information,it pays to be aware and all must of been life changing for all of you,especially for your OH.i hope hes coping ok now :hug:
Hearing is something we take for granted to much i was in hospital with Morgan today and my deaf friend came, i didnt realise how much goes on that i had to translate for her! LOL, i find it weird, there was a tiny baby crying and she didnt get why i was ahhh'ing. Morgan has partial hearing, i really hope it clears up soon and turns out just to be glue ear.
kellysomer said:
Morgan has partial hearing, i really hope it clears up soon and turns out just to be glue ear.

Beth had that :( She had ear infection after ear infection. It was awful...she'd wake up screaming in pain and this could go on for hours.... When she started school they were actualy the ones who noticed that her hearing wasnt quite right (we didnt really notice so much at home) but luckily she got the treatment she needed and she's fine now :D

Poor Morgan xxx :hug:
i'm partially deaf in both ears, my right is worse. I get by by lipreading, but really struggle in public places. I'm forever mishearing things and missing things, and have to have subtitles on tv.
You do take it for granted, mine gets considerably worse when i get a cold and i really struggle then.
Hugs to Brian, Gem and helsekia, i really hope it clears up soon for you xxx
There are definite upsides to being deaf (though I'm profoundly deaf)

I have selective hearing! I can not hear things on purpose when it suits me :lol: :D I don't hear LO crying so DH goes to him :D and I sleep well at night :D

:hug: Hope it gets better soon
thanks for the lovely replies. :hug: :hug: :hug:
MM my hearing has never been 100% but never bad enough to need treatment or anything.i tend to lip read anyway and im always misunderstanding people from not hearing what they say sounds like you cope really well :hug:

my ear doesnt hurt as much today so thats something at least.

:hug: :hug: :hug: for everyone
:hug: :hug: :hug: I have been alomost deaf in one ear for years too, and so Morgans is more likely to be permanant as my brother ans sister have hearing problems too.

At least we can all choose who to ignore, i do it all the time at work! :rotfl:

Hope your well soon. :hug:
My hearing is awful. I've had glue ear as a child and it never really went. I'm always having to pop my ears like when you're on a plane. Public places are always a pain as I can't understand people when there is too much background noise. Loud music in shops drives me mad as I can't understand what people are saying to me. It's like I'm under water and muffled all the time, I can hear a noise but not understand so look a bit thick at times :wall: . DH says I speak loudly and can come across rude but I've just learnt to speak like this and pronounce everything clearly and precisely. I'm going to see the consultant for gromets again in a few months. I'm really hoping Connie doesn't inherit this from me :pray:

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