dd scared of vacuum cleaner


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2011
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My dd is 2 years and 4 months, everytime me or oh puts the vacuum on she cries, puts her hands over here ears and screams 'please no'. shes like it with the drill, hairdryers, practically every loud noise.
she also doesnt like her ears going under the water.

any advice? x x
I had this when I was little ( school age maybe 5) and turns out I needed those adenoid things a my ears were funny! Not to scare u at all hub just reminds me I was scared of all those sounds. Xx

Maybe get her a toy Hoover so she can Hoover at the same time? x
Shes got a toy vacuum and is fine with that. iv been looking into sensory degridation(sp?) and she seems to have a few of the symptoms i.e. quick to temper, hands over the ears, dislikes loud noises, frequent jumping and spinning etc. going to take her to see health visitor on monday x x
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Ahhh I see. If hv doesn't get you a referral make sure you get gp to do it if you're worried x
Yh i will be cosmic. iv never really noticed until today, where anybody walking past woule of sworn we were hurting her with the way she was screaming.
i spoke to my mam then as she has hope on the weekend and thats when she said shes scared of the hairdryer. i dont use 1 so didnt know.
searched it and came up with what i come up with.

thank you all x
Do you warn her it's going on before hand ? that's how we sorted my eldest when he was between 12 mths and 2 years. He had issues with hoovers and Drills to! Devon has issues with hand dryers in public toilets! Think it's a shock thing. Think your doing the right thing checking on it with HV tho as they may have had other ladies with this recently to advise you more.
We do say that we are putting it on. we tried getting her to play with it earlier and she wouldn't go near it.
il update when she goes to see the hv monday.

thank you again x x
Hope you get a referral.

AJ is scared of the hoover and hand dryers also. Always has been.
He's recently much better with the hoover and we can actually hoover when he is home now. We've showed him how it works, let him turn it on, touch the hoover, we also warn him that we are going to hoover, its been gradual progress but hes much better than he was. x
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