Dating scan?

lea m

Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2008
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I'am going for a scan soon to find out how far along I'am and was just wondering, will it have to be an internal scan? I need to know to make sure Im prepared lol!
Silly thing to say but it depends on how far gone you are

They can usually see on a normal scan from about 6 weeks so they will try that first and only if they can't see anything will they then try an internal scan.
Oh thanks!! Hopefully I am 6 weeks and they can see!! I really dont fancy an internal scan lol
i had a scan at 8 weeks at that was internal.

tbh it wasn't that bad, they don't really see anything, only the sonographer looks as she puts the probe in, but then everyone is more interested in the screen than whats going on down there!!!
Was it not too uncomfortable then? Thats what Im more bothered about?
Smear test usually hurt me lol
Maybe I should google to find out more?! LOL Usually the first thing I do ?
I've never had one but I've hear that the scans from an internal are far clearer :)
I think the probe is supposed to be like a small vibrator in size.
Yeh I just read that! (i did google lol)
After reading more about it I feel better! If it doesnt hurt, Im good lol! And apparently it doesnt hurt! :D :cheer:
Hi Lea,

I have had two internal scans and they don't hurt at all. It is nothing like a smear test so don't fret.

:hug: :hug:
Thankyou!! :D
Im really looking forwards to it now!! :D :cheer: :cheer:
I had an early scan with my first pregnancy at just over 6 weeks and it was external. We saw the little bean clear as day no problems.

Drink plenty of water as that helps for a clearer view of things.

I've also had early scans this time around, a private one at 7.5 again external and we could see everything clearly and one at 9.5 weeks due to spotting.

They should only do an internal if they can't see things clearly.
Thanks for that!! I was wondering if I should drink a lot of water! :D
hope scan goes well for you hun and you see LO nice and clearly :hug: :hug:
Thankyou!!! I will be phoning first thing in the morning!! I hope its soon! I cant wait !:D:D
i had an internal at 7weeks,

they tend to do internal in early pregnancy it gets more accurate results..

its not uncomphy atal, you just put a lil cloth over you, and its a small it of plastic, (nothing like smears) they're so uncomphy!!

and when you see lil bean on screen, u dont care about bein probed hehe xxxx

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