Date confusion!


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2006
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Ok so yesterday i had my 12 week scan and i got put forward 3 days.
right so the problem is this gets all my dates totally confused.

this is the dates i had before the scan:

LMP 6th July
OV either 21st or 22nd July (we only bd'd on these days the whole month)
EDD 11th April

But now my i have
EDD 8th April
which means that i apparently ovulated on 17th July for the baby to now be 12+3weeks.

I dont understand i know i ovulated and concieved on either 21st or 22nd july as these are the only two days we BD'd and the only two days i had my peak EWCM.

So does that mean my baby could probably just have gone through a growth spurt and is measuring bigger than it should, therefore bringing my EDD forward?

Im so confused i thought i had my dates perfect :think: .
I don't have an answer...but I would be interested to hear anyone who might. I am pretty sure of my dates too, but they have moved me on 4 days in total. You're right, it is confusing!! :doh:
It's probably that the egg implanted a little sooner than normal, it's only a few days different so I wouldn't worry about it. Also, they do say the dating scan can be out by a couple of days....
hi girls :wave:

I think EDD can be changed alot. Im only guessing but babies grow at different rates and a baby is considered full term between weeks 37-42 which gives a 6 week range. Babies very rarely arrive on their EDD and it can be a couple of weeks either way. Your babba prob had a growth spurt or implanted earlier like sunnyday said.

x x
they only go by the size of the baby at the scan, babies dont all grow by text book there can be variations, they just work on an average. if babies were all to be an exact size at an exact date, they would all be born the same size too

each scan ive had my EDD has changed, depends on if the baby decided to have a growth spurt lol i wouldnt take EDD as bible, baby comes when it wants :rotfl:
I am pretty sure dates cahnge because implantation can take between 6 and 10 days. It could be that your baby implanted on the 6DPO whereas you workd it out to be 10DPO. This would bring you forward 4 days.

Im pretty sure my EDD will be moved as Implantation happened on day 10. I think what we are going to do anyway is tell people baby is due mid June so if it is late i don't have poeople ringing me up every 5 mintues asking if it is here yet!
Babies all grow at different rates. If it's only a few days out then I wouldn't worry about it. It's only when they change your due date by a few weeks that you would have concieved earlier or later.
I was absolutely horrified when I had my twelve week scan to be put back 1 week and 5 days.......... 12 bloody days.....that's ridiculous. My LMP was 7th July, which means I would have ovulated on 22nd July. As it is this means the conception date would have been 3rd August. I know he didn't get any whoopy that date cos we'd had a rare row. (I keep a diary)

My EDD is now 24th April instead of 12th April ............humphh!! :x
My edd changed everytime i had a scan at one point he was apparently concieved while i was on AF i stuck with my guns and kept my 1st due date in my mind and told everyone that as its a 2 week slot anyway then he was 7 weeks early after all the pissin about :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
It could also be that you ovulated on the 20th or possibly as late as the 23rd. Spermies *can* hang around for a few days before they die off, so fertilisation & implantation and everything else could be off by those few days.

Alternatively baby could just have had a spurt or be a naturally larger baby. :)

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