Dark brown spotting 6dpo, is this normal?

The suspense is killing me hahahah

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Hey guys, it's a BFN :(((( no period yet but just tested a min ago and no two lines just one big fat pink one :( I got my hopes up again. I used a brand called early sign acutest which id never heard of before.
It's weird I do "feel" like something's going on down there but have no pregnancy symptoms apart from the occasional back twinge and odd feeling down below.
I have no idea where to guess as to why I've not had my period yet tho, I was due Sunday and my brown spotting has dried up too.
Omg s*it I threw the test in the bin as I waited until the test looked like it had filled out, and I've just gone back for another look - please someone tell me I'm not hallucinating and this is another line

Thats a positive for sure! Congrats!! Xx

Thank you so much, in all honesty though I'm terrified, this is my first whiff of a pregnancy in almost 6 years since I've been properly ttc. The time, tears, tests really did start to take its toll on me and I really felt like giving up hope. It's insane to think that I didn't even bother doing ov tests this month and we only bd'd two times up until what was obvs ov day.

The fact I had some symptoms in my tww and now none has also left me worried to death that it might not be a sticky bean though :( I also drank a bottle of wine on the weekend as I was convinced af was there on Saturday evening.

I am so so happy to even see that line though, I never thought this day would come for me. Xx
That's looking like a very good line hun! You're bound to be scared but try to relax. Can you retest in the morning? Xx
That looks positive to me hon!! Congratulations!! I did a couple of those tests, the first was like yours, did the other two days later and it was a lot darker! I think these are 25miu sensitivity, you'd probably get a nice strong line on a FRER if you have one?
I've just passed red blood :( was actually doing a second test to show hubby and I passed red blood, not loads but enough to turn the pee in the pot red. Still have a line there but I know this one isn't meant to be I can just feel it.
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Could be just implantation bleeding try not to stress just yet I know it's hard but just relax and book a dr visit to confirm with a blood test and mention the bleeding
Will try get an appointment today, I sadly don't have much time at all as I have to go to a family gathering today and am really busy all day beforehand - which is what I can't be doing with right now. I'm absolutely sure this is a mc, I don't feel pregnant anymore, all symptoms are gone bar for a dark blue veiny ring around my left breast. I passed a lot more dark red blood with my first morning wee too.
Just awaiting cramps and a backache, I feel sick but i think it's more with worry as I didn't sleep last night :(
Will try get an appointment today, I sadly don't have much time at all as I have to go to a family gathering today and am really busy all day beforehand - which is what I can't be doing with right now. I'm absolutely sure this is a mc, I don't feel pregnant anymore, all symptoms are gone bar for a dark blue veiny ring around my left breast. I passed a lot more dark red blood with my first morning wee too.
Just awaiting cramps and a backache, I feel sick but i think it's more with worry as I didn't sleep last night :(

Aw sweetheart i hope you are ok. let us know how you go on x
I'm so sorry hun I know the feelings your having right now I've been exactly where you are if you need to talk feel free to pm me :(
Hoping everything is ok, it could be your cervix as it gets very soft and full of blood due to hormones in pregnancy xx
Hey ladies, well I've not had a chance to go docs but that'll be tomorrow morning for sure.
I did another test on a digital and it flashed pregnant but I've still been passing blood.
It's not what is class as heavy but it's not light spotting either. I have absolutely no cramping whatsoever just expecting pain to follow.
It seemed like a period bleed when it first happened and I wondered if the first 2 cheap tests were wrong. I do think this will end badly but hey ho I guess it wasn't meant to be this time :( xx
Hey ladies, well I've not had a chance to go docs but that'll be tomorrow morning for sure.
I did another test on a digital and it flashed pregnant but I've still been passing blood.
It's not what is class as heavy but it's not light spotting either. I have absolutely no cramping whatsoever just expecting pain to follow.
It seemed like a period bleed when it first happened and I wondered if the first 2 cheap tests were wrong. I do think this will end badly but hey ho I guess it wasn't meant to be this time :( xx

I suppose time will tell, it must be incredibly difficult being in limbo. Hope the doctor gets you in soon as. Bleeding in pregnancy isn't uncommon, although i don't have any personal experience i have friends who have experienced it. Fingers crossed for you lovely xx
To be honest I am just being realistic about it, at first I was really upset but if this cycle isn't meant to be I'd rather this have happened now than further on down the line. As weird as it sounds although I'm obviously terrified even just knowing I got a bfp made me happy as I've not had a sniff of one before. If (and I'm positive it is) i moscarry im just going to move on and focus on trying again, I can't dwell on it as it will just make me feel crap so want to try be positive whatever the outcome will be.
To be honest I am just being realistic about it, at first I was really upset but if this cycle isn't meant to be I'd rather this have happened now than further on down the line. As weird as it sounds although I'm obviously terrified even just knowing I got a bfp made me happy as I've not had a sniff of one before. If (and I'm positive it is) i moscarry im just going to move on and focus on trying again, I can't dwell on it as it will just make me feel crap so want to try be positive whatever the outcome will be.

I am in total admiration. Well done on remaining so positive, even though it must be so incredibly hard for you right now :love: xx
I'm just gonna carry on and try again, it's all I can do. I just had that feeling deep down that long brown bleed was odd, I'm just mentally prepared to be told I've miscarried rather than getting my hopes up. Just wish it would be over with so I can start again - onwards and upwards I guess :)
I'm just gonna carry on and try again, it's all I can do. I just had that feeling deep down that long brown bleed was odd, I'm just mentally prepared to be told I've miscarried rather than getting my hopes up. Just wish it would be over with so I can start again - onwards and upwards I guess :)

still let us know how you get on x
Keeping my FX sweetie, I really hope it's not a MC. Either way I am in so much admiration for your entire attitude, I cannot begin to imagine how emotionally hard this must be. I really hope the docs give you some excellent news and this is a sticky bean :dust: :hugs:

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