Thanks girls!
I'm so glad to be here

I'm glad to be joining me ol' mates from 2nd tri who ran off without me a few weeks ago
HideiLu - I'm SO sorry!! When I text you this morning about making the move today, I thought you'd already have moved!! Oooops!
Katie, I've missed you too
There are a few more 2nd tri girlies coming over! Lindsay's over tomorrow and a few more soon
Geordie Lass - Is your son being a toerag?! Well, I hope my arrival will prompt him to get the hell out

Being male I'm sure he won't be able to put up with my moaning for long!!
Oh and girls, I don't do labour

I'm going to find her in a cabbage patch dontchaknow?!
Thanks girls for the warm welcome! Can't wait to hear when you're all popping!
Sad I missed Tillytots though

Her son is gorgeous!
Whoa I'm even gabbling on in a thank you post!
Lu, going to PM you back now xx