Dairy allergy?

Lacey's Mummy

Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2010
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This is proberly me thinking far too much but something made me think charley has a dairy allergy!
He's still throwing up all day everyday, sometimes just spit up, sometimes alot of milk and the doctors and hv are like it's just reflux blah blah blah so I gave him his meds to stop the acid burning but it didn't stop the sickness.
Well today while I was out I gave Charley a cow and gate strawberry dessert. He's never had them before and I thought they were just like normal fruit pots but when I opened it I realised it was a yogurt!
I gave him it anyway (his 1st yogurt) and within 5mins of finishing it, he threw up twice and it was loads!! It absolutely stunk and was very curdled!
Does this sound like a dairy allergy or am I over thinking?
I don't want to go back to the doctors because of all the crap I've had from them if there's nothing actually wrong with him!
No idea i'm afraid I just wanted to say I hope he's alright :(
He was smiling away after he threw up! It doesn't upset him at all, it just upsets me! He's gaining weight so I know the doctors won't be worried, I just don't understand how a baby can be sick so much! Lacey was/is never sick!!
i gave marley his very first little star yoghurt the other day & he seemed to love it! within about 20mins he burped loads of it up & it was exactly how you described...very smelly and cudled. im a little bit intolerant to dairy and i dont drink milk, or eat butter, cream, etc etc but i can tolerate yoghurts which is strange!! i left it a few days and then tried it again yesterday (i think?!) and he seemed ok.. didnt bring any of it back or anything. im thinking with marley maybe because it was a new food (plus his first real dairy) he acted that way?? maybe you could try him with it again in a few days? but like you said if hes doing it with his milk too maybe its worth talking to the doctor??? sorry if im not much help! lol.
No that does help Amy! Half way through reading that I thought I might try again in a couple of days. He's gonna make me go grey with all the worry he puts me through! Lacey never had any problems when she was a baby x x
aw bless him! deffo leave it a few days and maybe just give him half a yoghurt next time and see what happens! if he brings it back again maybe talk to HV (although mine is useless!!) their little bodies are getting used to having all these different things after having just milk for so many months! make sure to let me know how he goes on!!!!
hey chaz, as you know J has a cows milk allergy and be warned doctors DO try and brush it off as reflux! It can cause screaming, diarrheao (forgive my spelling), severe vomiting as well as other things! J had the first two. It eventually made him stop breathing (not trying to scare you or anything) as his stomach had swollen and pushed against his lungs and we got told it was reflux after a weeks stay in hospital! The only reason we got 'dfiagnosed' with it is because our HV saw him finish a feed and start SCREAMING! If you think it is you'll prob have to beg your HV to try a dairy free milk. If it is the case you'll notice a difference pretty much straight away but it can take up to 48 hours to get the stuff out of the system. If you do think it is then ask to try it. We got told reflux gets better when weaning as the solids and stuff are thicker which means it cant come back up, which is why the vomiting part of it dies down!

If you really do think its a dairy allergy, make your HV try you on some milk.......but believe me its like pulling teeth. EVen now people brush it off and tell us its not an intolerance its a sensitivity (which tbh its an intolerance, my brother had it and i know a lot about it relatively speaking)

Hope that helps! xxx
Thanks Sophie. He doesn't scream after feeds, he's just forever throwing up!! It's not got better since weaning either and the other day I was feeding him carrot an hour after a milk feed and he threw the milk up! OH couldn't believe it was milk coming up not carrot!!
it may well be an allergy!! i would just ask your HV if you could try some other milk!might just be worth ruling it out?!especially if he is just getting rid of milk and not solid........and if it doesnt work then maybe you might need stronger reflux medication or something!?!?

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