D & C - can someone talk me thru it?


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2007
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As I am showing no sign of miscarriage I have now decided to have the D&C. I am booked in tomorrow. I have to be there at 11 and they said I could be done sometime between 1.30 and 5.30. Not a nice thing to talk about I know, apologies but could anyone tell me what I should expect when I wake up and how I will feel? Hugs to all others having a sad time :hug:

Does anyone know how I can get rid of the ticker on my i.d.? haven't figured it out yet. x
Hiya hun.

I can't answer your first question but I have deleted your ticker for you.

Sorry to hear your bad news :hug:
hi hun

Just seen this hope your ok :hug: :hug:

i had a d&c with my first m/c and it really isnt that bad, you will bleed for a while after up to a week and when you come round i felt really groggy, like i wasnt quite with it (if you know what i mean)

Everyones experience of this is different so i dont wanna scare you with just my version but im happy to try and answer some of your questions via PM if you want :hug: :hug:
Hi Jussy - sorry to hear of your loss.

I had a D&C in April - it's really not as bad as you may think and will at least begin to give you some closure at this sad time.

I think it's only about a 15 minute or so procedure, so they don't need to knock you out for too long. I didn't feel too groggy when I woke up, maybe a bit spaced out! - you may bleed quite heavily for the first few hours - the nurses will check this though and check your blood pressure. I think I had my op at 3.30pm and by 7.30pm I was on my way home. The nurses were happy that the bleeding had subsided and I'd eaten something, so they let me go. I did have light bleeding for a few days, followed by a few days of spotting - no longer than 1 week in total though.

Obviously after a general anasthaetic you'll probably feel a bit washed out for a while so take things easy. Also, it is an emotionally draining time, so take it one day at a time.

Thinking of you today and hope all goes well :hug:

Take care

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