

Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2010
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I am not sure where on earth I am in my cycle due to having the implant and not really having periods, one sort of every 4-5 months so not regular at all.
I had the implant out last Tuesday and I have tried to work out where I am in my cycle and I *think* I am around day day 10.
Do you think it would be possible to get pregnant now?
The doctor said my fertility should come back in a month :( I want it back now!! :wall2:
Hiya again Rachael, these things are hard to tell but I left it a month after coming off the mini pill from being on contraceptives for 22 years and just kept a diary for the first month of my cycle ie when I OV, CM change etc then when I knew what was going on and when OV was likely we tried then, it only took me a couple of months luckily, so hang on in there and look at the signs of what is happening with your body xx Good luck to you both x
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Thankyou Hopeful!
I dont think I could stand to wait a month! We could not even wait a week more :lol:
I guess we just have to keep trying and trying!!
How often would you do a pregnancy test if you were in my situation?
Well it is suggested that you BD every 2 days to stand a better chance of conceiving. HPT I would do maybe 3 days before you are due AF (high sensitivity one) but not too sure if you know when yours would be due yet? That is the problem with the implant, plays havoc with your cycle, or any other contraceptive when you come off it after being on it for a while x
Well it is suggested that you BD every 2 days to stand a better chance of conceiving. HPT I would do maybe 3 days before you are due AF (high sensitivity one) but not too sure if you know when yours would be due yet? That is the problem with the implant, plays havoc with your cycle, or any other contraceptive when you come off it after being on it for a while x

This is probably going to sound stupid :blush: but what do all the short hands mean? (BD, HPT, AF) I am still new to all of this :blush:
I think I would be due around the 25th October but that is only a guess.

BD is baby dancing ;) having sex
HPT is the pregnancy test sticks you get
OPKs are ovulation sticks
AF is Aunt Flo, your period

Takes a while to learn them all. :)
Rachael, sorry, if you are unsure give me a shout but thanks Kizzebea x
:lol: baby dancing!! I like that!
Ok well have done an ovulation test and still only one strong line so still not ovulating yet :(
I am so hoping that we made a baby last night but I guess that is very doubtful :(
Never say never but please don't stress over it, that just puts pressure on you both and doesn't help.

If you think you are due on 25th Oct you might be worth testing for OV on 11th + 12th so you need to keep dancing on Sat & Mon to really increase your chances, that is if you are due to ovulate then, hard to tell until you have had a complete cycle..... x
Never say never but please don't stress over it, that just puts pressure on you both and doesn't help.

If you think you are due on 25th Oct you might be worth testing for OV on 11th + 12th so you need to keep dancing on Sat & Mon to really increase your chances, that is if you are due to ovulate then, hard to tell until you have had a complete cycle..... x

The 2nd line on the OPK is stronger than it was 2 days ago but still not as strong as the 1st line so possibly coming up!? :roll:
We will be dancing away all the time now, bless the OH I woke him up last night and he was very tired :lol:
This is probably another stupid question or two but are these myths or facts?

1. That if you go to the toilet after dancing you are likely to pee the men out?
2. That if you put your legs in the air it increases the chances?

I think they are fair comments lol gravity really isn't it, the more you keep in you the better than dribbling out (TMI) lol.....

Because I knew I wanted to hang onto the little beggers I laid down for about half hour after with a pillow under my bum , hope that helps you lol x
Well I needed to pee last night but I held it in till morning just in case they escaped on route to the bathroom or down the toilet :lol:
lol Rachael I did that too last night. Ended up waking up at 4 this morning absolutely bursting!
I don't know how many times i have done that lol, wake up in the morning and my bladder is bursting! :) x
Abbreviations, BD, AF OH etc etc.... Go to the main pregnancy forum page and then click on Forum Support & Testing Area, the next page has a thread of Abbreviations and lingo explained - this will help A LOT !!! lol. Just a word of advice for people holding in pees....not good cos can give you a risk of infection and nobody wants that when TTC.... just hold in for half hour with perhaps a wee gravity help like the pillow under bum but have a quick pee lol
Abbreviations, BD, AF OH etc etc.... Go to the main pregnancy forum page and then click on Forum Support & Testing Area, the next page has a thread of Abbreviations and lingo explained - this will help A LOT !!! lol. Just a word of advice for people holding in pees....not good cos can give you a risk of infection and nobody wants that when TTC.... just hold in for half hour with perhaps a wee gravity help like the pillow under bum but have a quick pee lol

:lol: But they may escape Tracey!! :eh:

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