curious about midwifes dates


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2015
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hi all, I know this is not a big deal only 2 days difference but I'm curious.

Every online calculation i do gives me a due date of 1st April (including NHS) my notes say estimated date is 1st April but agreed date of the 3rd which is also what they said over the phone when i made my booking appointment and scan. Like I said, its no big deal but I just curious why the different dates when I haven't had a scan? Also to me knowledge she didn't adjust cycle length.

I'm sure its possible both could become irrelevant in 2 weeks after my dating scan! Though I'm still convinced there is nothing in there.

its funny how annoying it is to feel like I'm getting all my weekly milestones two days late but I know I'm being ridiculous!!

anyone else had this?
My online calcs state I'm due 1st April too. When I got scanned at 8 weeks I was put forward 3 days so now due 29th March. I've yet to have my booking appointment yet, which is next Tuesday when by scan dates I'll be exactly 12 weeks. I'm expecting her to put down 1st April. I'm going from my scan dates for now unless I'm measured at my dating scan different - I'm kind of half expecting 1st to be my official date.

With my first daughter at her dating scan I was put forward over 2 weeks which was a huge shock. I'm not expecting it this time round though as she was a surprise and this one has been tracked for the last 4 years TTC so know exactly when we've been at it! lol

PP xXx
wow i cant imagine being put forward so far! That must be quite a shock!

This is my first and completely unplanned. Its a bit odd I cant see any basis for my agreed date being moved forward as I haven't had a scan. Its one of those little things that doesn't matter but bugs me haha!

hope everyone will excuse my typos and lack of capitals, my phone is a nightmare to type on/correct things!
They add 9 months plus go forward a week
Depends on how many days in the month etc there are as to how they get there
Its all irrevant anyway hardly anyone goes on their date
Youre full term 37 to 42 weeks
Its a big window for them to come lol
yeah :)

I'm just looking at the pics of baby at 9, 10, 11 weeks etc and thinking which one am I at? This wait for a scan is killing me!

oh well... I need to be patient!
I thought they used your scan measurements to estimate your due date. Last time scan put me forward 2 days, this time I think it might be closer to a week.
The dating scan is more accurate

Some people have no idea when their period was or when they conceived
Its a complete surprise for them when theyre scanned lol
My MW put due date down as 31st March but according to due date calculator I'm due 7th April. I have 35 day cycles which is why there's a difference but like someone has said they don't give you official EDD till the scan x

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