Crying when asleep???


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2006
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For the last few weeks now - not every night though - Alex wakes us up crying very loudly, when we go and check on him he is doing it in his sleep.
He did it this morning and I was so worried cause he was doing it for ages that I picked him up to cuddle him and he woke up and was fine.
I asked the health visitor about it on Tuesday and she said that it probably gripey pain, or teething pain. If it was really bad he would wake himself up.
Does anyone elses baby do this?
Same thing happens with our LO... she did it twice the other night but settled back down without much fuss straight away. Very weird!
Yes my Lo does it and I'm pretty sure it's to do with griping pains as she gets then a lot.The first few weeks she used to do it for hours in the night and it took me a few days to figure out she was actually askeep. In fact she had been a lot better recently then last night I was up every hour -2 hours thinking she needed feeding as she was crying and thrashing around but with her eyes closed. When i tried to feed her she wasn't interested (which is unsual!!) This morning I remembered what she was like a few weeks ago and thought I should've left her as she was probably asleep and just crying cos she was's s hard to tell though and I think it's just instinct to go to them when they cry. :( It's probably more annying for Lo being woke up than the actaul pains :roll:
Yep, same here. Most nights she wimpers in her sleep. But like yesterday she was proper screaming. I think she had a bit of belly ache.
Connie does this every night! She cries when asleep for food too, and then eats asleep.

Is my baby weird or what?
LO does this too occassionally. I thought it was just a bad dream, but do they dream this early???
I asked about nightmares a while ago, I think the general consensus was they do dream stuff, I guess those lil brains have a lot to process, but it upset me that she would know anything so bad to make her cry in her sleep :( Poor babes

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