Crying and bouncers


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2005
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I need a bit of advice again- going up the wall this evening due to lots of grizzling! (His grizzling not quite mine yet but give it another few hours...!) :?

Basically he has spent quite a bit of today and yesterday grizzling for no apparent reason. I know it's not food as it has happened after I've fed him, it's not wind and it's not colic and it's not a dirty or wet nappy. I've tried calming him down to see if he's overtired and I've tried amusing him- the only thing that seems to calm him is holding him and sometimes jiggling him up and down. He'll just drift off to sleep then but when I try to put him down he starts grizzling again. :x Aargh! Any ideas? Hints, tips?

I've read previous threads where some of you have mentioned bouncers and swings- we're strapped for cash at the moment but if they will help then we can stretch to one. What would you recommend? Do they work for most babies? Is it worth getting one with interactive stuff for later on or would a £20 basic battery operated jiggler be almost as good as a £50 all singing all dancing one?

Also, we've had him in his car seat quite a bit (not today though- he's been in my aching arms most of today!) but I'm not sure he should be in it that much- am I right? It's a from birth one but he is half sitting up in it rather than lying flat. I guess a bouncer would also serve as a chair of sorts.

I read that your baby shouldnt be a car seat alot, I guess a couple of hours here and there wouldnt hurt have you tried putting him in a buggy and just pushing it backwards and forwards?? The bouncer we got was about £25 and vibrates but it also can be rocked I dont think it matters that he has the all singin all dancing as you can sit and play with him in it with other toys you have sounds like he's just going through a phase or being a typical man and making a mountain out of a mole hill!
someone told me that newborns shouldn't be kept in their car seat for any longer than 20mins, often impractical. but they should be laid flat.
bouncers did nothing for my boy. a fronter carrier did. as he was close with warmth and heart beat.
I don't think you need to go all out on the bouncer because Ava has the Aquarium bouncer and she doesn't even like it anymore! :shock:
I've got one of these, they come in blue or pink, and it can vibrate or play music for 40 quid from toys r us


We love it!
I've got this one but don't ask me if it's any good cos baby isn't even here yet!! I just liked the look of it. Expensive though at £65.00 so not for everyone's budget (including mine but I saved up)

AmberNicole said:
I don't think you need to go all out on the bouncer because Ava has the Aquarium bouncer and she doesn't even like it anymore! :shock:

Totally agree, i bought jamie a vibrating bouncer and he liked it for a few weeks but now he hates it as he feels restricted and would rather kick about on his changing mat! it cost 24.999 so not too over the top but considering he hasnt used it all that much then it was kind of a waste!! if i could turn back time i would have stuck with the cheaper one in argos which i think was about 9.99!!!
Plus most bouncers only go up to 6 months and trust me the time will fly by and he'll be too big for it before you know!!
We brought Phoebe the Fisher Price one that vibrates. Think we paid £25 for it and she hates it!!!
She hates her car seat too so I am really glad we opted for a pram and not one of those combined buggys with car seat!!
I think she hates sitting up. :?
Although she is only 3weeks old so maybe she'll grow to like it!!! :wink:
We bought hannah the vibrating pooh bouncer from mothercare £40 and she hates it it was the biggest waste of money she also hates car seat and pram i don't think she likes anything anly being carried so don't waste hard earned money get a second hand one if your going to try it
Jack has a vibrating chair from Mothercare and to tell truth he's not that impressed and neither am i if he is grizzly it doesnt work, also have a cheaper bouncer one which is great, the seat flattens so he can sleep in it toys can attach and beat of all you can rock it with foot whilst eating tea and watching telly :lol:
Hi Rosebay

I don't have any baby experience myself (not due until February!) but my friends little boy seemed to have similar habits to Elliott. Some solutions that worked for her when he seemed to grizzle for hours on end were:

Carry him round in a baby sling, he was wide awake but seemed to like the body contact.
Play "white noise" to him, she had a cot mobile that she clipped onto their bouncer ( i think there's a CD you can buy as well that is referred to as white noise?)
Put the hoover on (used to have to have it running for about 10 mins but it seemed to calm him)

Not sure if any of the above will be of use, hope wee Elliott is less grizzly soon

33 + 2
Thanks a lot everyone! Will try all these suggestions and let you know!

Don't give up on the boucers if you baby doesn't like them at first... my eldest son used his bouncing chair till he was almost one...he used to climb into it by himself for a little rest... it was a god-send!
Thats why I got a big one this time... i think the smaller, flimsy ones are a bit of a waste as they don't last 5 minutes.

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