

Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2009
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My little dude has had a bit of a cold for the last few days but it turned into full on croup overnight. He woke up at 4am with a raging temperature, was sobbing inconsolably, coughing like a seal and not able to catch his breath. I got dressed and was about to take him to a&e when he started to calm down a little and his breathing eased so we stayed here In the end.

He's had Calpol and is drinking lots of water, he's much better this morning but still very raspy, is there anything else I can do for him? He's 13 months x
My daughter suffered about 5 times with Croup! I feel for you (and your LO) its horrible and they sound so poorly! I was told to raise there mattress so they arnt lying flat, also sit them in a steamy room! Along with the calpol

Brooke had to have a nebulizer in the end as it got pretty bad and it can damage there vocal cords if it gets to bad!

Really hope he gets better soon it normally lasted 3 days before she got better but still had the cough for around 7 days!

Best thing is just taking them into
The bathroom and running all the hot taps, my oldest has had it since a baby will be 7 this year and still had it last winter so I'm waiting to see if it comes again this year I thought he would be too old to still get it but seems not,
You will soon get use to the sound the first time I was screaming at o/h saying he can't breath but now I know what it is I'm fine, when he got older he use to say I think theres a frog in my bedroom mammy lol
i've no experience of it im afraid Hun, it Sounds awfull though hope he's better soon xx
It's awful, I'm dreading tonight! Think I totalled about 3 hours sleep, LO is shattered too :(

will try the hot taps tonight if it's bad again, thanks all x
My baby brother had this and my mum used to sit him over the kettle steam (he was a tad older). When he was newborn he was in hospital with it for a little while. Really scary stuff.

Hope you have a better night, maybe put the radiator on with a wet flannel on it x

:hug: Oh poor little guy. Ive got no experience of this, but my LO has had bronchiolitis and you and you LO have my sympathy :( Hopefully he'll get better soon. x
It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't so bloody hot!!
My son has had it a few times and we have a few really bad attacks. Like the other ladies have said, steam is great, but most importamtly is not to panic-easier said than done I know! If it becomes a regular thng (you will know the signs before it actually turns into full blown croup) then it would be worth having a ventolin inhaler at the ready and give him a puff before bedtime. We live in Malta now and it seems to be a common thing over here (Think its the damp winters!) and they do things slightly different from the U.K and they give a suppository for the really bad attacks and it is fantastic!! Hope all goes well.x
That's what I did when my daughter had it, I gave her a puff of Ventolin and thankfully it helped loads.
Thanks everyone, he's doing much better now, still very hoarse and wheezy but no longer struggling to breathe. I had no idea just how awful croup is!!

Thursday night he was sniffly and didn't sleep well, Friday it was full blown cold and then the last 3 nights he's slept about 2 hours in total each night, every night he's been sobbing uncontrollably, coughing so hard it's burst blood vessels, and struggling for breath. We did actually end up in a&e on saturday night/Sunday morning because I was convinced his airway was closing, I don't think I've ever been so scared, not even when he was in hospital with suspected meningitis last year, he was just so poorly, and I felt completely helpless :(

But, today he seems to have turned a corner, he's getting up to mischief again so clearly feeling better. Fx for a better night tonight. Wish us luck x
Pleased to hear he's getting better Hun, i hope he sleeps better for you tonight! xx
I've just had my first (and hopefully last experience) of croup with Emily. Took her to A&E and she was given a steroid and calpol as she had a temperature. She's been sleeping since we got home, has coughed a few times but not enough to wake her. I was told to take her straight back up if it gets worse again. Is your little man better now? The doctor told me not to bother with steaming for croup but she'd advise steaming if it was broncolitis (I've spelt that wrong) she also said that cold air can help. I tried hard to stay calm for her, but it's horrible. Im just hoping it clears up soon. X x x x
Oh poor Emily, it's awful isn't it?!! Was she struggling to breathe? That what made me take LO in, he had panic in his eyes and the more upset e got the worse it got :( he's absolutely fine now, we had 3reallybad nights but then things eased, I was told to just give him Calpol and tough it out basically :( I do hope Emily is better soon, hugs to both of you :hugs: xxx
Oh poor Emily, it's awful isn't it?!! Was she struggling to breathe? That what made me take LO in, he had panic in his eyes and the more upset e got the worse it got :( he's absolutely fine now, we had 3reallybad nights but then things eased, I was told to just give him Calpol and tough it out basically :( I do hope Emily is better soon, hugs to both of you :hugs: xxx

Thanks Hun, yeah she was gasping for breath, the cold started on Monday but the barking cough only came on this afternoon and then the gasping for breath. She was so upset which is really unlike her. I called the my gp surgery for advice and the grumpy receptionist said she would get a doctor to call me. I live about 4 miles from my doctor surgery. I let an hour go past and called again because I was told by the practise nurse a while back that they usually just say to take your baby straight in even if it turns out to be nothing. The receptionist wouldn't budge, I asked if I should just take her in and get her checked and she told me that was a doctors decision. So the Gp didn't call till just before 5.30pm. I don't drive so mum and stepdad had to come from the same side of town as the doctors surgery in rush hour traffic to pick us up, I told the GP I didn't think we would get there in time so he said to take her to children's A&E if we didn't get there by six. I knew for a fact my GP would say to take her straight up and he did even before he asked what had been going on. So I'm quite annoyed At the receptionist. Even if we had still been sent to A&E at least it would have been a few hours earlier and would have lessened the distress for Emily and for me.
Inky I'm surprised you weren't offered the steroid? Maybe it's because Emily is only 5 months? The doc at A&E was excellent, so were the nurses and they said if it gets worse overnight to just come straight back up. It's horrible isn't it? She feels alot cooler now, so now I'm worried she'll be cold. It's says 20 on the thermometer but it feels cold in her room. I just put a long sleeved vest on her and she's in a 2.5 tog sleeping bag. Not sure if I should get her up and put in a sleepsuit, don't want to disturb her but don't want her to be cold either. Advice anyone?

Wow I've totally taken over your thread hun, sorry. Didn't think there was much point in starting a new one. Got her up and put on her sleepsuit, she's had some milk and she's sleeping again.
Ha, don't worry hon, Cahal's croup is over with now (hope it stays that way too!)

I'm glad she settled, was she ok in the night?
hope emily is better soon Hun! Tegans just getting over Croup she also had a viral infection & ear infection so had antibiotics! i never realised a cough could be so scary xx
It wasn't the actual coughing that scared me, it was his breathing when he wasn't coughing, I honestly thoughtbhis airway was going to close he was wheezing that badly :(
I really hope none of them ever get it again but just look out for a change in weather really cold or really windy seems to set montys off also too much heating can make him worse he's nearly 7 and still had it last winter every year since he was a baby really hope this is our first year without it xxxx

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