No. Didnt know it was on, whats happening? That whole case intrigues me! X
This topic divides people. My mum and dad left me in the room to go have a meal while we were in Crete. I was 8 so obv older than Maddie and her siblings but they still left me. Does that make them bad parents too?
Richard and Judy went to the apts and said the bar was so close to the room and that it was the equivalent of sitting in ur back garden and someone walking through ur front door and up the stairs and taking ur child.
I think people are too harsh about the McCanns and give them a hard time unfairly. They made a mistake and have been punished in the worst way possible. I really feel so sorry for them x
I still think people are way too harsh on them. Of course it was avoidable. So was the James Bulger incident, his mum looked away for a few seconds and he was gone.
I really hate people giving the McCanns a hard time because I cannot even begin to imagine how much they hate themselves already and wish every day that they did things differently. And its stories like this that make me never take my eyes off of Sophia.
Plus, so what if they have the money and the know how to keep the case in the media? If ur child was missing, wouldnt u try to keep the campaign in the spotlight too?! I know I would!!
I still think people are way too harsh on them. Of course it was avoidable. So was the James Bulger incident, his mum looked away for a few seconds and he was gone.
I really hate people giving the McCanns a hard time because I cannot even begin to imagine how much they hate themselves already and wish every day that they did things differently. And its stories like this that make me never take my eyes off of Sophia.
Plus, so what if they have the money and the know how to keep the case in the media? If ur child was missing, wouldnt u try to keep the campaign in the spotlight too?! I know I would!!
BIB, of course I would do anything in my power to keep the campaign high profile but my point was plenty of other children have gone missing and none of them had such a high profile as Maddie has?
The parents are very lucky [probably not the right word but you get my drift] that they are affluent and know some pretty influential people
I know it sounds as though I am being harsh but ultimately the safety of a child depends on those taking care of said child and to me the McCanns are not blameless.
James Bulger is slightly different as she turned her back, she didn't leave her child somewhere?
This always causes such debate, and other forums I go on lock MM threads pretty much as soon as they begin.
I just cannot, in my bones, feel true empathy with the parents even though I feel awfully sorry for them iykwim?
I still think people are way too harsh on them. Of course it was avoidable. So was the James Bulger incident, his mum looked away for a few seconds and he was gone.
I really hate people giving the McCanns a hard time because I cannot even begin to imagine how much they hate themselves already and wish every day that they did things differently. And its stories like this that make me never take my eyes off of Sophia.
Plus, so what if they have the money and the know how to keep the case in the media? If ur child was missing, wouldnt u try to keep the campaign in the spotlight too?! I know I would!!
BIB, of course I would do anything in my power to keep the campaign high profile but my point was plenty of other children have gone missing and none of them had such a high profile as Maddie has?
The parents are very lucky [probably not the right word but you get my drift] that they are affluent and know some pretty influential people
I know it sounds as though I am being harsh but ultimately the safety of a child depends on those taking care of said child and to me the McCanns are not blameless.
James Bulger is slightly different as she turned her back, she didn't leave her child somewhere?
This always causes such debate, and other forums I go on lock MM threads pretty much as soon as they begin.
I just cannot, in my bones, feel true empathy with the parents even though I feel awfully sorry for them iykwim?
This is how I feel , James bugler is completely different . He was in the shop with his mum and she literally let go of his hand while she was looking for her purse in her bag within them few seconds he was gone .
The McCanns left the children in a hotel apartment alone . It was 50 meters away from where they were sitting and the apartment was not visable as bushes blocked the view . I am not saying they deserve this but they are not blameless either .
I still think people are way too harsh on them. Of course it was avoidable. So was the James Bulger incident, his mum looked away for a few seconds and he was gone.
I really hate people giving the McCanns a hard time because I cannot even begin to imagine how much they hate themselves already and wish every day that they did things differently. And its stories like this that make me never take my eyes off of Sophia.
Plus, so what if they have the money and the know how to keep the case in the media? If ur child was missing, wouldnt u try to keep the campaign in the spotlight too?! I know I would!!