crazy lady looking for advice


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Mar 26, 2007
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My periods had been regular over the last 5 months ranging from 27 to 31 days - we were using contraception but were planning to start TTC in a month or two. From day 27 to Day 33 this month we didn't use contraception - at the beginning I thought it was safe as my period was due and then we just didn't... I did a pregnancy test on day 33 and it was negative. So I obviously ovulated late and that is why my period is late. Now I assume that it is possible that I ovulated around Day 27 or later and that I could be pregnant. It's day 35 now and I guess I could be up to a week pregnant. My left breast was quite tender last night and this morning both are but I don't know if they usually are before my period - I don't think so. I guess I just have to keep testing until Day 45 or until AF shows up but I guess I'm asking whether sore breasts are a symtom of period as well as a symtom of pregnancy? It would be really nice to get pregnant without planning it as I think I would be a very obsessed person about it. (the negative side would be being up to 69 days post conception on my wedding day - I'm not sure if that would show as I am poured into my dress).
Sadly AF symptoms are very similar to those of pregnancy symptoms.
I had sore breasts before a period and had them before my positive pregnancy test too. I swore I was due on any second but AF never arrived for me. Wait until your period is due and test then, pointless wasting them between now and then, they get expensive!! :hug:
I was the same as Nichola, I knew my period was late but I also thought I was getting the symptoms and would come on at any time but obviously I didn't. Pregnancy symptoms and period symptoms felt exactly the same to me, it's very misleading! :?
Thanks for your reply Nicola and yours Vickyleigh. Given that I wasn't using OPK's I really have no idea when my period is due which is part of the problem. I'm 8 days past when my period should have been due based on the previous 5 cycles but I'm also only 8/9 days past when we had unprotected sex the first time - you're probably right that I shouldn't be wasting my money on tests yet but with the wedding coming up I guess this is making me quite nervous - questions like will I fit into my dress, will I feel sick on the day, will people know.....

I was a bit nauseas this morning and my breasts are just getting sorer. Yesterday I was still saying that I didn't feel pregnant but suddenly today I feel that I probably am and it's very unsettling not knowing. I've been lurking on this site and a few others for ages and didn't fully appreciate what all the girls TTC were going through. What I've read says 10 DPO is when you can get a result but it might take until 14DPO so unless I get a result or my period between now and 10 days time I will feel a bit uncertain.
i didnt even realise i was pregnant until my boobs began to seriously grow and hurt more than any period! i had a little bit of a period the month after i conceived, this is what tricked me!!

my boobs were so tender, i couldnt stand my partner touching them. my bras became uncomfortable too. i didnt have sickness as such, i felt a bit queasy around certain smells (15 perfumes, went off them all!) and i was soooooooo tired, i just kept falling asleep!

that is how i knew and i bought a test. i was about 4 weeks when i got my BFP. all the other months i would watch every symptom and hope but with it being december when i conceived, i was so busy with christmas that it didnt cross my mind about dates and stuff!!

hope some of this helps.x

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