Crazy Baby!


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2006
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It might just be mine, but I heard your only meant to feel babs move/kicks around 10 -20 times a day but my crazy lil thing is so so active! At the mo its getting a bit cocky and pushing of my hips to do a forward roll! And cause theres not that much room in there its sticking it's lil cute bum out! :clap:

All my hubby has to do is speak and it goes crazy too - gonna be a daddys boy or girl! But its mad... seems to only sleep when I'm sleeping and for about 5 hours in the day - the rest of the time it's like having the crazy frog inside me!

Not complaining - find it amazing but wanna know if anyone else is experiencing the same thing?
yep, mine never stops! he does the bum thing too, I love it!

feels like he's mooning me :moon:
same here too. Thea goes mental when her daddy talks to her too!
mine is active too!
i don't remember any of the others moving around as much as this ine does! i love it.
oh god yes. This is my second and is way more active. Doesnt sit still and is hyperactive. When my wee one sits on my knee (well as much as she can with bump in the way) bump goes nuts.
i love the kicks and hiccups, was so excited when they first started and now i use them as a guide to no that hes ok inside his little home!

definitely a daddys boy, when mike talks and touches my tum he trys to kick his way out to him lol :lol:
Hey there... :wave:
Yep mines a very active little so and so...mainly mornings and nights....seems to go quiet through the middle of the day and then has his/her own party in there the rest of the time. Its it....sometimes hurts though especially when he/she is kicking or punching right near my flu....that hurts like hell, sends like a shooting pain up my flu :oops:
I've tried analyising when he/she is most active as i was told this can tell you what their sleep pattern will be like when they arrive...don't know how true that is....can't remember what it was like with haylea....maybe cos it was 9 years ago, i just remember haylea was really active...and still is... :rotfl:
Well hope all you ladies in the third tri are doing well. :dance:
Love to all
yea mines the same.. i swear i can see feet, knuckles... i thought it was supposed to slow down but i'm just as active. My bump goes lob sided too when baby sticks its bum out... it's like an alien moving under my skin... i think that the only thing i'll miss about being pregnant... the very first time i saw my bump move was lying in the bath... i was having a hormonal winge and then my bump just moved... really cheered me like - like he/she was saying "turn it in mum"

It is by far one of the best things about being pregnant is feeling the baby inside u :D

my baby is very active in the morning and again at night seems to sleep all day, i remeber being told with my 1st baby that u can tell the sleep pattern whilst they are inside u, but when sophie came out her sleep pattern was very very differnt to how she was, when inside my belly.

It makes me smile to hear the stories of the daddy's talking to the bump and how the babies go mental that is soooo nice, my OH will not touch my bump at all, he never did with sophie either BUT is a great dad!!!!!!!!

My LO responds to DH voice as well. He put his hand on my bump the other night and LO kicked out, he pushed down and LO kicked out again; this went on for a little while :lol: :lol: :lol:

I am also getting lots of movements and lots of big movemements now, it's great; although I do still go "ooohhh" out loud as it startles me sometimes :rotfl: :rotfl:
My little fella has days where he seems to be break dancing inside me and then on other days its like he's tired himself out and is just thinking 'sod it I'll have a lazy day today'. The only thing that really seems to calm him down is my little girl talkibg to him and stroking the bump. Its almost like he knows its her :hug:

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