

Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
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Layla is just over 8months and for the past month she's been rolling onto her tummy, pushing up on her arms and rocked back and forth on all fours. I have thought for ages now she is ready to crawl but doesn't seem to move forward yet :roll: She's very strong on her legs though and can stand for ages aided. A friend of mine is convinced she's going to bypass crawling? Anyway she gets around by rolling and bum shuffling but i'm wondering if anyone has any tips about helping her to crawl?

Also when did your LO crawl and how did they progress from rolling/shuffling etc to actual forward movement? I understand evey child develops at different rates (my cousin's daughter walked at 7 1/2 months!) but I am just wondering what the average crawling age is?

She may just bypass crawling especially if she is bum shuffling. Tia bypassed crawling and only really crawled after she learnt to walk.

I was absolutely convinced that lil miss wouldn't get round to walking or crawling for a long time... At 6 months she still had issues sitting, then all of a sudden on in September she seemed to decide she'd try commando crawling and was like that for a whole month. Then she started properly crawling at 8 months... well once she worked out proper crawling that was it... in under 3 weeks she gone from shakily pulling herself up on furniture... to launching herself up everywhere (walls included), to cruising, to walking between furniture (to the point of letting go, standing alone and sort of falling to the next one), to being able to crouch down to pick things up... she really has just excelled in everything all at once and I was totally convinced that she wouldn't. :roll:

Kids do things in their own time and their own pace... and it sounds to me like Lyla is doing just that. She'll get there :) She just might choose to walk first :)

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