

Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2010
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Is my baby the only October baby not crawling :( she can rock on her hands but one of her legs gets trapped. She then falls on her face and shuffles around on her belly. As I'm writing this she just managed to get on hands and knees door the first time so maybe it won't be long?? She's nine months old on the 27th.

Thanks ladies xx
Tegan is 9 months on 28th she army crawls everywhere But only crawls hands and knees backwards, i wouldn't worry Hun xx
Drake has only just started crawling 3 days ago! He did everything your LO is doing beforehand. It won't be long I reckon. I enticed Drake with a little piece of paper (he loves paper lol)

I wouldn't worry about her not crawling yet though, my oldest was really advanced for his age as a baby but still didn't crawl till he was 10 months.
I remember that my nephew never really crawled - he just shuffled along using his arms like a tiny sniper. Then he walked - can't remember how old he was (it was 11 years ago!!!).

I know that some babies don't even do that - just straight onto walking... All are different.

I'm sure your LO will be getting about in no time! xx
She can get about backwards but nit forward. I'm sure it won't be long but it worries me when all her little friends have been crawling for months and she still can't do it :(

Thanks ladies x

I was the same Hun as all Tegans little friends at baby group were moving before her and some of them are younger than her xx
Noa went backwards for about 2 weeks before he got forward.
Don't worry, some babies never crawls but the manage just fine anyway. Noa was 7 month, that's early, so don't worry.
my friends lo never crawled and has only just started walking and shes 15 months!! my lo used to roll everywhere and then one day it must have all clicked!!
Dont worry, all babies do different things at different times, my little brother "bum shuffled" around until he was 15/16months old and then just got up and walked, never crawled. Sounds like she's really close though, I think George will be a late crawler.
My three kids all sat up unaided aT 8 mths (well late) , crawled at 10 months and walked at 12, 13 and 16 months, so it really varies but all fine so don't worry.

Devon looks like he is following in their footsteps as he is floppy and so we should follow the pattern above again, crawling at 10 months.

To be honest once their off, so are you so enjoy it while you can!!
Chloe has just turned 1 and she does not crawl, just drags herself around. As the others have said, all babies develope differently so dont worry. x
Thanks guys! Well today she did it! Only a couple of "steps" but she can do it :) so pleased :) she gets so frustrated when she can't reach something xx


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