im going out of my mind sat here right now,
for the past few days i have been craving wine and ciggys
Wine isnt to bad, i can have a glass or two once a week (im not an drunk, i swear! lol)
but the ciggys are a diffrent story, i gave up when i got pregnant with coby and have done so well, havent craved them much atall and the smell on othe people made me sick.
but lately the smell on people isnt having that effect anymore, and if i see someone smoking, wether in life on on tv, i remember how good it used to feel.
so far i havent given in but im not sure how long i can hgol dout
help!!! has anyone else had this since there babies have been born?
for the past few days i have been craving wine and ciggys

Wine isnt to bad, i can have a glass or two once a week (im not an drunk, i swear! lol)
but the ciggys are a diffrent story, i gave up when i got pregnant with coby and have done so well, havent craved them much atall and the smell on othe people made me sick.
but lately the smell on people isnt having that effect anymore, and if i see someone smoking, wether in life on on tv, i remember how good it used to feel.
so far i havent given in but im not sure how long i can hgol dout
help!!! has anyone else had this since there babies have been born?