

Well-Known Member
May 19, 2005
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im going out of my mind sat here right now,

for the past few days i have been craving wine and ciggys :(

Wine isnt to bad, i can have a glass or two once a week (im not an drunk, i swear! lol)

but the ciggys are a diffrent story, i gave up when i got pregnant with coby and have done so well, havent craved them much atall and the smell on othe people made me sick.
but lately the smell on people isnt having that effect anymore, and if i see someone smoking, wether in life on on tv, i remember how good it used to feel.

so far i havent given in but im not sure how long i can hgol dout

help!!! has anyone else had this since there babies have been born?
Do you remeber my post titled 'ashamed'? Well I gave up when I got pregnant and had done so so well, and like you, the smell made me feel sick. Then I went out on Saturday night and got rat arsed and smoked for England. I felt shite afterwards and regretted it terribly. I'm not saying you would feel as bad as I did but just think it through first. If I could turn the clock back I wouldn't have done it.
I stopped as soon as i found out i was pregnant but i craved for one everyday!

I started again when Reece was 5 weeks old :oops:

I have one a night in the garden when Reece goes to bed or 2 when i'm at work. I know it seems pointless but that fag a day stops me going insane and i really enjoy it.
i had a glass of wine last night so that got rid of that craving, as for the cigs, its so hard! i havent had one and im determind not to, but when ever i smell it or see soemine smoking i reallllllllllllly want it
I couldn't have any type of alcohol with out a fag, even one glass!

You doing well though Layla, stick to it!!! :D
Hi layla

Just had to reply to your post - dont worry gal, your not the only one. As it is right now I just feel like getting well pissed and smoking loads of fags - I too gave up when Pg (6 months ago) and felt great for it.

Since Heidi has been here (and I love her to bits by the way!) I cannot belive the worrying it is causing - I constantly worry about her, that coupled with no sleep and hormones raging is a recepe for disaster - today after a row with D/H about anything and everything (which is totally unfair as he has been soooo good) I nearly went and got some. I didnt and am glad for that - but I soooo know what you mean.

We are both dying for a drink too - I have abstained for 9 months and at the minute I am drinking my first glass of wine and its is SOOOOOOO NICE!!!! feel so guilty though - convinced something is going to happen - i have heard that your not meant to drink and have the baby in bed with you (which Im obviously not going to do) - so I will worry about it all night no doubt. Will clean my teeth before I pick her up for her feed (TOTAL PARANOIA).

Also just read your post about feeling down - hope you have felt better during these last couple of days. Ex's can be funny things - and I imagine when it involves your mate that can only make it worse. :evil: Incidently my ex comes from S.Wales (Rhonnda Valleys) - but no matter where they come from they are a pain in the ass!

If its any consolation I hardly feel like 'Mother of the Year' and feel really bad for saying that - but I said to D/H that I dont know how Im going to cope when he goes back work and I have sat here in tears for most of the night (hence the glass of wine)

I have wittered on havent I!? Its just I read your post this afternoon, then went for a sleep cos I was knackered but I really wanted to reply to say hang in there - and that your not on your own. And yes I think you can use hormones as an excuse still!!!!!!!!

Hope everything works out for you

L x
thanks LIsa!

your reply really made me feel better.

since i posted this is got worse and friday night i gave up and had a ciggy.

what was wrose tho, Jases parents were down for the night, i was so stressed out with everything and having them here on top of that made me worse, it was either go out and have a ciggy, or scream shout and cry in front of them coz i felt like i was going to snap at any minute.

luckly i still had some stuff from last year so i could make myself a rollie, horrible things, id rather had a real ciggy but right then, that was enough.

i grabed a glass of wine, made my ciggy and went out the back, IT WAS HEAVEN!!!!
came back in and got the look of disgust from everyone which made me think "well i might as well go and have another one tehn, just to piss you off even more!"
i was going to aswell, but then i started to feel very sick! so even tho it was nice at teh time, after it was horrible, i had to go to bed.

im glad i did it tho, coz now i know how rough it made me feel, i wont be doing it again.

as for my mate and my ex, they are still together, she has cut me off and i have cut her off, shame tho, we have been friends for 8/9 years and i really thought our friendship was worth more than that.
i miss her badly but im way to stubbon to talk to her.

hope your doing ok, speak soon

Hi layla

Ah well, never mind about the rollie - I could quite easily smoke one at the moment and drink a bottle of wine - I dont know about you but I sometimes you get sick of 'fighting' and being a 'good girl'! and wish I was my 'old self' again. :shock: A really good mate of mine who I always have such a laugh with even though I dont see her often has invited me round to her place - im dying to go round (just to get a bit of normality back into my life) but she smokes and I know if I go round there we will crack open the wine and that will be it I just know I will start smoking again - its crap isnt it cos its stopping me going round there.

Still, would probably fall into a deep sleep after one glass seeing as I havent had a nights sleep for almost 5 months now.....................

Hope your feeling better - Maybe you and your mate will be able to work things out a bit better in the future when things have calmed down a bit?

L x

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