Cravings post-pregnancy!


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2007
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How long did it take for your cravings to wear off?
I craved sponges, bathroom cleaner, cloths and flannels during my pregnancy and they're still there! And I have a new one, chewing my toothbrush's bristles! Christ, just typing this is making my mouth water.. :roll:
I don't know but I had a craving for sponge when I was pregnant. Everytime I had a shower I would have a good old chew on the bath sponge :lol: I've actually have always had a thing about sponge but it was alot worse during pregnancy.
ive new one , chocolate , which u may say dont we all but ive never been a chocolately person and now its all i want

its not doing my post baby weight any good :cry:
G3M said:
ive new one , chocolate , which u may say dont we all but ive never been a chocolately person and now its all i want

its not doing my post baby weight any good :cry:

I agree actually, I've been addicted to Green and Blacks chocolate since Ella was born, and easter eggs aswell.
I'm still eating loads of green beans, so no idea when it wears off.
when i was between 27 and 37 weeks i craved dirt!!! I had a little pot of dry gritty dirt and when i had a craving id lick my finger pop in on the pot and eat it!! It was the crunchy texture! :puke: luckily i can say that craving has long gone but im still way too keen on washing powder and bathroom cleaner! I was obsessed with them all through my pregnancy!
Lol I'm starting to believe there's no hope for me!! Anything remotely to do with cleaning I have to chew, smell or squeeze..My poor OH was so embarrassed, everytime we went to the supermarket I'd spend about 10 mins in the cleaning aisle squeezing all the cloths/sponges through their packets. It would be okay if I actually clean.. :oops:
I was craving ice lollies! I still have to have 2 a night! :oops: I don't think it's still my cravings hanging around though - just me being greedy! :rotfl:

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