cravings ladies x


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2011
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hya everyone what kind of cravings are we having?? for the past 2 days ive been drinking neat lemon juice that you buy in a bottle! think its the vitamin C ha! xx
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I'm really craving sweet fizzy drinks at the moment which is really bad and I never usually like them and might have 1 or 2 a month if we go out for lunch or something.
Neat lemon! lol! I am craving fruit juices but don't think I could drink neat lemon juice!! he he he.....Also am tending to want much more savoury than sweet like bagels and crisps....not so healthy!!
Up until recently I had it bad for Mexican food, especially burritos. But now the thought of it disgusts me. I don't really have any right now
I'm drinking lots of lemon pulp. But i think its because its the closest thing to a nice glass of white wine, which i miss terribly.

Mind you there was something on Radio 4 today about how pregnant women should have at least a glass of red wine or two a week at all stages of pregnancy, apparently the benefit outweigh any negatives. I told my husband and he poured me a tiny glass of red. I took one happy sniff and almost threw up, so I'm having to give it a miss. :-(

I'm defintely craving poached eggs and asparagus, but thats nothing new, lol. Though hubby is having to make my poached eggs hard boiled, which isnt nearly as fun
At a glance then I thought the title of this thread was craving ladies :blush:
asparagus makes your wee smell tmi!!! but it does

asparagus makes your wee smell tmi!!! but it does


Yes, I've heard that, but honestly when its in season and I get it fresh at the farmers market I eat it at least every other day (the season is sooo short) and I have to say I've never noticed a smell. Maybe I'm not paying enough attention or maybe the fact it is fresh makes a diff? I dont know. I'll stick my head down the loo next time and get back to you ;-)
At a glance then I thought the title of this thread was craving ladies :blush:

It could have been, these hormones! Not that I am, but honestly, when I'm not feeling sick, I'm feeling really high and then really low. Sobbing yesterday morning saying I couldnt go to work and would never leave bed again. Then by the evening was singing in the garden at the pleasure of repotting :shock:
ha ha.........oh i didnt need to stick my head down the loo it was very its just me :s but i have heard other people say it
Every food under the sun.
From ham and mustard butties to a cold glass of water to a chinese takeaway.
Definitely drinking lots of water at the moment, love the stuff! xxx
Samsgirl, Asparagus makes my wee smell too - really bad!!

Starfish, I'm still having runny eggs and did all the way through my pg with Lennon. Someone posted a report written by a mw a while ago on t'internet and she was basically saying that eggs are so safe these days that there really is no risk in eating them runny. I can't remember where I read it though but it really made lots of sense and they had tested like 12 million eggs or something ridiculous!
I HAD to share this..

Yesterday in Asda with OH and his mum, I had this random craving for .. TUNA ON A PANCAKE!
And then today it's developed into tuna on toast. Mmmmm!

Dan couldn't stop laughing when I told him in Asda, it sounded lush at the time!!
I'm with the lemon girls! Everything has to be lemon flavoured just now! I can't get enough watermelon as well couldn't get one in tesco yesterday so ended up going to asda as well just to get one.
Not sure the tuna on a pancake appeals! maybe lemon on a pancake, I missed out on pancake day due to morning sickness think I'll have a late pancake day now!

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