Crappy Hormones!


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
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I'm curious, is anyone else suffering from this?

For my entire pregnancy, i haven't been the slightest bit interested in sex, much to my OH's disgust as we used to be at it about 8-10 times a week, and now he's lucky if he gets it once a week, when i put him out of his misery or on the odd occasion i've actually needed to have sex as i'm slightly frustrated.

Anyway, the last couple of days, my sex drive has returned in full force, and appears to be making up for the last however many months! Its not that my OH is complaining mind you, but its really doing my head in. I don't want to have sex, even though i know its supposed to speed things up, because my hip dislocates now i'm pregnant and its really painful but my body will not let up!

I am so uncomfortable with that tingly sensation that i can't sleep and i end up waking him up to try and relieve it... which works for like half an hour and then that damn feeling is back but he's knackered and gone back to sleep by that point.

This morning, at 2.30 i was putting washing in the washing machine because i was too uncomfortable to sleep and that tingilyness just didn't go away :( I didn't make it to bed until 4 in the end. And now i'm up, its back!

What on earth is going on? And someone please tell me i'm not alone in this
Do other stuff apart from actual sex so you get the fun and relief without your hip dislocating. Have you tried lots of positions?
Not recently we haven't tried any other positions, i know from experience that when it comes to positions like doggy style that he can't help but push my legs further and further apart, which is too much for my pelvis. I can't straddle him either as it hurts too much. We've tried spooning, we just never get anywhere :lol:
Ive been getting that tingley feeling but not wanted sex, so I pleased myself, bad I know but it kinda helped relieved that feeling... But try other positions too, if u'd prefer not to do that... Or do both... lol
It's because of all the extra weight and blood down there just now, not sure how you get round it though, can be hard to ignore!
I know exactly how you feel!

I can't get enough, and although orgasms feel sooooo good, I'm horny again after 20-30 minutes, which kind of turns a good thing into a bad thing :(
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I'm so glad you understand! My OH is loving it, and can't understand why i don't wake him up all the time... Maybe because he falls asleep on the sofa a lot and is obviously knackered?? LOL... I can't wait for this to be over
My hubby is a very light sleeper, so when I feel like a bit of "sexual healing" I just accidentally nudge him, haha.

The sooner it's over the better, we got caught by the post man this morning...

This may be TMI, but we were going at it on the living room floor, with the curtains open (I know, we just didn't think about it!) when I looked up and saw him staring in :oops:
Does anyone else get the real horn, I mean really want it, but when it comes to it, something stops u from following it through??? Or is it just me???
My hubby is a very light sleeper, so when I feel like a bit of "sexual healing" I just accidentally nudge him, haha.

The sooner it's over the better, we got caught by the post man this morning...

This may be TMI, but we were going at it on the living room floor, with the curtains open (I know, we just didn't think about it!) when I looked up and saw him staring in :oops:
How rude of him to stare!
Does anyone else get the real horn, I mean really want it, but when it comes to it, something stops u from following it through??? Or is it just me???
It's not just you! I was desperate early, went upstairs to sort myself out and Dom's brother decided to talk via shouting upstairs! In the end Dom came up, but i was totally aware of the fact that because he's home and awake, he can hear us and it totally puts me off
Oh no, not good... That would be so so off putting lol
Does anyone else get the real horn, I mean really want it, but when it comes to it, something stops u from following it through??? Or is it just me???

This happens to me too!!! Then I start thinking "what on earth is wrong with me?" then once OH and I actually get to it, I enjoy myself anyway haha!

I've turned really squeamish over sex, i don't like the mess and i can get quite upset if it goes everywhere :lol: Plus, it really really bothers me that Dom's bro is in the house. He's started working days instead of a combination of days and evenings, so he's ALWAYS home, it used to be that Friday nights, we'd make it as far as the sofa sometimes, but now we have no choice but to wait until we've gone to bed, and even then, the brother has to be in bed, as the living room is directly below our room and he can hear us if he's still up
Id make a point of making loads of noise, even pretend to have sex, embarrass him out of the house lol Worth a try lol
As for the mess, I always have a roll of toilet tissue under my side of the bed for such problems lol
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We have a roll too... i still get it on my hands, i'm actually cringing at the thought.

The bit that bothers me, is the moment we do something he doesn't like, he goes and complains to his mum and gparents. Plus, we have to be as perfect as possible cos otherwise we can't get on at him about stuff as he owns half the house still, won't be long before he doesn't, but in the meantime, we can't say anything
U may not be able to say anything, but just make it really awkward for him by having really loud noisy sex lol
Seems a bit of a harsh thing to do to the 25 year old virgin :lol: He would still make complaints! Their mum is already on his side for everything - no-one thinks its fair that we should ask him to tidy his room. We wouldn't if he didn't leave the door open and it didn't smell!
Harsh??? Nah... lol As for being 25 and sat indoors constantly, thats not good. Does he not have a GF or mates???

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