Crap Saturday :(


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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It started off ok.....then went really down hill :(

The OH's back has gone (apparently) so all he can do is sit on the sofa and cuddle Albert. No nappy changes, no bottles, no helping me clean etc. Then Albert decided to be unsettled AAALLLLL afternoon and evening, he took 10oz of milk in an hour :shock: and was still smacking his lips for more! This of course has to go somewhere, he exploded at about 10pm. It was on the floor, in his bouncer, all up his back and tummy. I was up til midnight scrubbing the rug and bouncer whilst Bertie and daddy were snoring in the bedroom.

Went to bed about 1am.....Albert wakes up at 2 and has another 7oz. Settle him down, crawl into bed and then the smell came. Another explosion. All the moses basket sheets and his swaddling ended up in the washing machine. OH wakes up and has a go at me for making so much noise and waking the baby!!!!! :slap:

Bertie woke up at 7, post-explosion and absolutely starving. He was so hungry we almost got real tears!!! He's now napping in the moses basket whilst his bouncer dries out.

Is it too early for brandy????? xxxxxxxxxxx
Oh no!! We have the opposite problem of a baby that can't poo so he's unsettled and crying

My OH is normally very good but last night he went to sleep at 10pm while I waited for Harry to wake up around 11. When he woke again screaming at 3 OH woke but didn't offer to do anything

Could of cried. I've worked out this morning he's had around 9 hours sleep and I think I've had just over 5

Never to early for brandy as technically it's medicinal xxxx
It's hard isn't it? I normally let the OH sleep as he works so so hard but last night pissed me off lol

To top it all off Bertie has woken up with a patch of dry skin on his head and now looks like Mikael Gorbachov in negative :roll:
Must be one of those nights. I thought we'd cracked it with a four hour gap between feeds but E then proceeded to punish me by waking up every two hours after that... I think we should just leave them and our OHs in a room altogether while we head to the pub for Sunday lunch...
Ha ha BB!! I think the fatter E is getting the more she looks like Winston Churchill. Shame really as she was quite a cutie when she was born...
Must be one of those nights. I thought we'd cracked it with a four hour gap between feeds but E then proceeded to punish me by waking up every two hours after that... I think we should just leave them and our OHs in a room altogether while we head to the pub for Sunday lunch...

I think 4-5 weeks is growth spurt stage from what's said in the feeding bit hun. Oh what joy!

Get the drinks in I'll be there in half an hour pmsl
Good idea Helen I'd be up for a Sunday in the pub.

Instead we're off to my jum and dads for the day and night which I'm dreading cos I want Harry to have done a poo before we go otherwise he's going to be an unhappy windy harry
Yeah my oh has apparently hurt his back while bathing G last night... He never bathes him, but I have a horrible cold at the moment so I asked him to help me. The result? Oh got a nice message later on and is still complaining, and hardly did anything at all at night even though I am not feeling well, and G was waking up every 1.5 hours (not a bad result for G actually). He can't even change G's nappy today. This will teach me not to ask for help, eh?
:hug: there is no way my OH would have got a massage off me last night......unless you count using a baseball bat lol
BB lol. I was hoping that after a massage he would not dare to complain again and would help more. Nope, the strategy didn't work!
Oh no, the complaining never stops hun. I feel like a mother of 2 most of the time and the newborn is the easy child!

Even the bloody rabbit is snoring!!!!

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