

Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2012
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I just found out I am pregnant with what will be my first - and my book on pregnancy has not arrived and I need some answers.

I have been getting occasional cramping yesterday and today, not as constant as period cramps but not as dull either. They are quite tuggy and sharp but last only a few seconds then pass. Is this normal? Apparently going by the way the docs work it out I am 5 weeks?

I am super paranoid due to a chemical pregnancy last month which I had a couple days after finding out I was pregnant :( I had really bad cramps in the tww and then on the days before the pregnancy ended. Just hoping its not the same.

Any help would be great!
hey hun congrats on your pregnancy :) its normal for cramps. im 11weeks and still get them its your body changing and growing :) alot is going on down there! :) how far along are you :) xxx

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Thanks for getting back to me, I am just worried - I dont mind healthy cramps from things changing, I am just scared its cramps from things going wrong. I am such a negative person! Aah!
According to my little calendar thing I am around 5 weeks if you could it as being from the start of the last cycle. So its quite exciting, but scary! x
just try and keep calm hun :) its no good for you or baby. but i know all too well that is easier said than done! ah 5 weeks congrats :) just keep a eye on your cramps rest up if you can :) take it easy :) and enjoy being pregnant! :) xxx

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I had had them pains too. It was just my uterus growing and things moving around. That may explain the "tugging" that you feel. Relax Hun and congrats :) x
Hey Beeble, I'm around same weeks I think and getting similar, cramping, heavy and bloated feeling. Taking it as a good sign, surely should feel something going on eh?
I've been getting tugging cramps too, not often but they take my breath away lol, don't really remember them before but it has been a while :-/ lol I've forgotten lot of stuff :) everyone says it's normal :). Congratulations!!!!
Hey Beeble, I'm around same weeks I think and getting similar, cramping, heavy and bloated feeling. Taking it as a good sign, surely should feel something going on eh?

:) glad I am not the only one! Working on getting over my insane paranoia! If the cramps are just things growing and changing then I am perfectly happy to suck it up haha x
I'm getting these too - 6 weeks yesterday. Told the OH about them (worrying it's ectopic and all sorts) and he said "You're growing a human being inside you, I'm not surprised you're feeling something!". I guess he has a point. Still, hard not to worry eh?

Yes I've been getting them the past week too. I just have a constant dull ache I can ignore then boom mega cramp which hurts my back like crazy too (I have athritus in my spine) but only lasts a minuite or 2 then eases off.

Always check to make sure no bleeding when I go to loo lol.
I have IBS which seemed to kick off big time at the moment of conception and haven't stopped. I feel like I am having a really bad period between the IBS cramps and the 'growing pain' ones. Thanks ladies though, I was really worried about the pains really low down, and it's pains like that, that I don't recall getting first time around, so you have helped to make me feel a little less paranoid about every pain
I am still worried, had a couple of really severe cramps today which lasted around 30 seconds each this evening - hopefully they wont continue, no blood which is good but still worried something may not be right :( x

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