Cradle Cap


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2006
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my daughter has really bad cradle cap. When she was born she had a mop of black hair. Because of the cradle cap ive had to get it all off. But ive rubbed all her hair off and she is baldy now has anyone else had this. Its horrible isnt it? It looks like corn Flakes
Colby is starting to get it now :(

Adele had really bad stuff and only got all of it away a few months back, we tried everything from butter, olive oil, to all the dentinox stuff and the only way i could get it all away was to use loads of conditioner and a head lice comb basicly to scrape it off as it was really thick. It didnt hurt her at all but took me ages to wash all the conditioner out.

What did you use, as i dont want to use the comb on colby as her head is still soft where adele was 3 before i went down that road
ruben had it bad too for a while - it went from his head onto his eyebrows, and eventually he had it on his forehead too... never knew they could get it there :shock:

i used to pretty much soak his head in olive oil for an hour or so, then used the baby comb gently to get rid of most of the flakes. then in the bath once the water had softened the scales really well, i'd use his baby hairbrush and gently brush his head in circular movements. that got rid of loads! after the bath i'd put olive oil on again, but not as much.

thankfully it's all gone now!
Its a shame when it all comes out. Jess had darkish hair then the cradle cap came and out it came. Her hair has grown back a few different colours and took a while to come in. It looked 2 tone for a while and now she has lovely curls at the back and round the sidesbut its still quite short at the front and there is still the teeniest wee bit of cc at the front but its not flaky.

Its not a mullet though :D

Dont worry, it will all come okay.
if bubs gets it on forhead or eyebrows or hasn't got any hair vaseline is fantastic just put it on leave on for a little while then wash off, when you wipe it the cradle cap just wipes off :) not so good if bubs has lots of hair tho, baby oil is quite good too, my frie swears by head and shoulders.
Yeah I used head and shoulders on Noah, did the trick, I did the same as you petchy, washed his hair to soften it and used the baby brush which got rid of most of it, along with the head and shoulders, then put olive oil on. Cleared it all up.
Ella has had cradle cap for ages. I tried the olive oil but that didnt do anything but make her hair really greasy, becuase she has loads of hair its really hard to get to the cradle cap and give it a good rub. I always wash her hair in dentinox, its made it a bit better but still not gone.

I might try head and sholdours, but other than that Im not too worried its not like its bothering her and you cant see it under all her hair.
Lydia had really really bad cradle cap for ages. We had some prescriped shampoo for her but it didn't help much. It's still there a bit although it's a LOT better than it used to be...but she does still have it though. I'm hoping it just sort of gets less and less as she gets older, as it seems to have reduced a lot in the past month.
Eugh horrid stuff, Cradle Crap I call it.!
I used Dentinox on Damiens hair and it all fell out :cry: I was gutted. But its much better now. Not washing his hair often seemed to clear it up quick for him. I know in this heat it's more difficult as you wanna wssh them more. I picked it off Damien when it was at it's worst too :oops: I know you shouldn't but I was careful and didn't touch his soft spot, please don't shout at me :oops: It was a million times better after this too, and although it did come back, it wasn't nearly as bad.
I used bottom butter on Ella's bits at the front of her hair and it worked a treat. Main ingredients are olive oil and chamomile oil, it only has about 4 ingredients and smells delicious.

Got it from Waitrose, about £2.49 for a big pot :) Works on dry skin a treat :)
Callum My 4 year old never had it as a baby but stated getting it really bad last year, and his hair started coming out with it too ( looks like he's thinning too early lol)

I do what most of you are doing, I use a shampoo containing aloe vera on him and leave it in for about 5 minutes then gently rub his head ( like you would if you were drying it) with a flannel that seems to remove virtually all of it without removing too much hair.

But I think the baby brush idea is really good I'll have to remeber that if lily gets it.

Oh something to point out is you need to use cold pressed olive oil, not just standard olive oil that use use for cooking and salad, its a different composition, and hasnt been stripped in the heating process like normal olive oil.
tar ladies it seems a bit better now. Not all gone but mostly has thanx. Together we will conqour the cradle crap ha ha(sorry cant spell)

I hope it clears for you, Kiara has never had this so i have no idea what it is or how to get ride of it.

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