Cradle cap


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2007
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Hiya, Robbie has got cradle cap, anyone got any tips on how to clear it up. None of my others children had it. I've heard olive oil? but surely it will make all his hair gooey? :?
we tried live oilfor weeks and got no change, so we bought some Dentinox cradle cap shampoo and it worked a treat!! only took 3 days to clear it completely!!
I like olive oil - DD had really bad cradle cap so we put a small amount on every night after her bath and brush her hair backwards, its gone by the morning - we have to keep this up though or it comes back. I've also stopped shampooing her hair as I didn't think that was helping and she's got a soft, clean scalp now.

Valentine Xxx
Olive Oil worked for us too, Arianna was allergic to the Dentinox shampoo.

Just do as Valentine said just a teeny-tiny bit of oil and brush the hair back.
Lydia had really bad cradle cap as a baby. We used to use the special shampoo on her, but it didn't help really. She seemed to sort of grow out of it though. After the age of 1 it got less and less and eventually just went.
i havent bothered putting anything on mine, after all its only dry skin. Millie still has it now
olive oil works really well for me...massage it on then with a brush make circular motions :dance:
:shock: wow well i've been using olive oil and brushing the hair back as you advised, and I can't believe the difference already. I thought he only had a bit , but now its coming loose there is loads of it. I reckon another couple of days and it will be gone :cheer: :cheer: Yay thanks everyone!
hey hun,

I had a similar prob with amber and posted on here, i found that washing her hair and then gently rubbing her head with a clean towell has really helped - someone gave me that advice on here and told me not to be worried to rub a little harder as you wouldnt hurt LO

. I havent used anything else as this seemed to be working. She now just has a little bit on the front.

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